co-worker quote of the day...

i was totally saying that female garments suck. fuck pantyhose, fuck heels, fuck "control" garments (which thankfully i dont "need" at this time), fuck pants with no pockets/fake pockets/back pockets in the front/no beltloops/tiny beltloops/low rise waists that leave all kinds of ass hangin out/synthetics. omigod fuck all sexy revealing things. if you cant tell im hot and you wanna do me with regular clothes on, you are a big dumb loser who should be playing harder to get anyway.
well, the thing is, girls--except for BFS, apparently, you go girl!-- choose to wear those stupid clothes, so I have no sympathy whatsoever in that regard (except when you're forced to wear a dress for a wedding or something). and girls DO get a LOT out of wearing that uncomfortable crap...a girl dressed "hot" generally does look better than a girl not dressed "hot", so they attract more attention and get all the benefits associated with beauty. so in order to compete other girls dress "hot". until the only people who dress like rational human beings are the girls who say FUCKIT.

i go with bigfakesmile on this one. dress normal. if you do, you will look a little less hot, but your own comfort is worth it. (and it probably means you are cooler, too).