CoB - Belgium 2001-02-10 - Question

The Butt

The true error to be corrected.
Sep 10, 2007
The void.
I recently got this bootleg, and I've a question for others who have the bootleg or were at that concert. Is this all they played that night? Nine songs, comes in at a whopping 42:40. Not long at all.

Here's the tracklist, for those who are wondering:

01. Hate Me!
02. Bodom After Midnight
03. Towards Dead End
04. Follow the Reaper
05. Lake Bodom
06. Warheart
07. Mask of Sanity
08. Children of Bodom
09. Downfall​

I'm thinking it might only be short because of some "technical bullshit", as Alexi said just before Downfall, but I'm really not sure. This thing is shorter than Tokyo Warhearts, and doesn't even have an guitar/keys duel.

I'm wondering if that's all they played, or if I have some missing tracks.
There might have been a few more bands playing that night so they would have shortened all their setlists. I don't KNOW though, they're the only songs I have too.
Alrighty, thanks for the info then, guys. At least now I am a bit more sure that that was all they played that night, and that I do have the full thing.

It's nice to hear Mask of Sanity and Children of Bodom played, at the very least.