CoB ftp

Ho... Now i downloaded smartfpt. i try to connect but it say

SmartFTP v1.5.991.24
Resolving host name ""
Connecting to Port: 21
Connected to
220 RubeniosFTP
USER anonymous
331 Password required for anonymous.
PASS (hidden)
530 Login or Password incorrect.
Active Help:
221 Bye bye ...
Client closed the connection.
Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)..
Wings of a dream said:
Just leave it on all night and don't stare at it so much, you'll have it sooner or later.

It's not that I can't wait... What I meant, was that there is so much stuff, and you can't possibly know which ones are crappy videos, so more often than not, you have waited couple of days just to get a really crappy video. So it is just taking too long.
Jesse- said:
It's not that I can't wait... What I meant, was that there is so much stuff, and you can't possibly know which ones are crappy videos, so more often than not, you have waited couple of days just to get a really crappy video. So it is just taking too long.

Yes you can, you can sort of preview the unfinished download with vlc media player. (don't know if it works for other players). Then you can see what you are downloading