CoB ftp

I got an error... Dunno why I never had problems to come in...

Status: Connecting to ...
Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 RubeniosFTP
Command: USER ultimate
Response: 331 Password required for ultimate.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 230 User ultimatemetal logged in.
Command: FEAT
Response: 500 Unknown command.
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is current directory.
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Type set to A.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (24,132,136,211,195,128).
Command: LIST
Error: Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: Une tentative de connexion a échoué car le parti connecté n'a pas répondu convenablement au-delà d'une certaine durée ou une connexion établie a échoué car l'hôte de connexion n'a pas répondu.
Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

The french sentence for the error... it means "Your attempt for connecting failed because the server didn't answer normally after a certain time or an established connexion failed because the connexion host did not answer.
(Sorry for the translation but it's already fucked up generated french :goggly: )
_FollowTheReaper_ said:
I got an error... Dunno why I never had problems to come in...

Status: Connecting to ...
Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 RubeniosFTP
Command: USER ultimate
Response: 331 Password required for ultimate.
Command: PASS *****
Response: 230 User ultimatemetal logged in.
Command: FEAT
Response: 500 Unknown command.
Command: SYST
Response: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is current directory.
Command: TYPE A
Response: 200 Type set to A.
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (24,132,136,211,195,128).
Command: LIST
Error: Transfer channel can't be opened. Reason: Une tentative de connexion a échoué car le parti connecté n'a pas répondu convenablement au-delà d'une certaine durée ou une connexion établie a échoué car l'hôte de connexion n'a pas répondu.
Error: Could not retrieve directory listing

The french sentence for the error... it means "Your attempt for connecting failed because the server didn't answer normally after a certain time or an established connexion failed because the connexion host did not answer.
(Sorry for the translation but it's already fucked up generated french :goggly: )

disable passive mode on your FTP program

looks like you're using FileZilla (:rock:)
Edit->Settings->(Connection->)Firewall Settings->Passive Mode (remove the X)
^Thanks :) (FileZiLLa ownz every other soft^^)

By the way, anyone has a live version of In The Shadows or Knuckleduster somewhere?
These are 2 songs I never heard live... Though In The Shadows was only played back in 97 and Knuckleduster some few times last year.
is there a posibility to upload som stuff on rapidshare or megaupload?? I can download only from the ftp with a speed of 0.2 kb/s
thanks men
^ hey its a guy doing sth for free for you and you muthufukka dont cry now and hear some more are you dead yet
and by the way: it worx