CoB ftp

everything, well not me, my br0 (in sweden), he has 100mbps, total flat.. so i'll just take it :D and erase the shit afterwards
Everything off the server??

That's cool. Alot of the mp3's are really bad quality though.

I don't know which Stone songs to download either, I wana hear Roope going for it.
HomerJ_123 said:
everything, well not me, my br0 (in sweden), he has 100mbps, total flat.. so i'll just take it :D and erase the shit afterwards
thats really fast, i think the fastest ive seen mine go is almost 4 mbps
Draznog said:
something ain't working it says the password or/and username is wrong.
aehmm no?

Status: Connecting to
Status: Connected with Waiting for welcome message...
Answer: 220 RubeniosFTP
Command: USER ultimate
Answer: 331 Password required for ultimate.
Command: PASS metal
Answer: 230 User ultimatemetal logged in.
Command: SYST
Answer: 215 UNIX Type: L8
Status: Connected