COB Interviews

I got an interview which was released in Italy, I think that it was in English originally, but it was posted in Italian on the website, so I tried to re-translate it into English. Here it is:

One of the bands with more tours behind in the history of modern metal, Children Of Bodom, experienced a year-end rather challenging. That's why the band is now enjoying a couple of months of well deserved rest before returning to the international stage for the new upcoming world tour that will begin in March.

In July 2010, unusually very hot, Children Of Bodom have completed working on songs that will make their seventh album, due out in March 2011.

"At the beginning of 2010 we finally found a new place to reharse, which is just fantastic. Before, we were in this narrow room where we could barely stand up straight. It is not easy to create new songs when you're constantly bombarded with Punk and Death Metal crossing the walls. Our new rehearsal room has really made life easier and we finally have our own place where nobody can disturb." (Alexi Laiho, lead singer and guitars)

During pre-production of the album, another big change took place. Until now, Children Of Bodom have never allowed a producer to enter the studio, but this time they made an exception for the American Matt Hyde, well known for his collaborations with Monster Magnet, Slayer, Hatebreed and others.

"Our U.S. staff thought the time had come for us to try to work with a producer. They proposed us a list of names and asked us to contact someone. In the end we realized we were facing true professionals; trained and very much expert in music" (Laiho)
"With Hyde it seemed there was really something special. The commitment and enthusiasm of Matt are palpable and tangible in everything he does. He pointed out he would have wanted to create the best album ever for the Children Of Bodom, and so we decided to work with him."

The producer from Los Angeles flew to Finland in spring 2010 when Children of Bodom were "sharpening" their songs in the rehearsal room. The producer started work immediately, listening to every song with extreme care and professionalism.

"Matt was able to capture every nuance of the songs and gave us some very good tips to find the right beat, although during rehearsals the shades 'get a little lost'. He also pointed out some details that are difficult to recognize on the finished album, though they're in there." (laughs)
"You can really say that Matt had the opportunity to work with some great names in music. Nevertheless, all his advice and suggestion was made in a polite and not at all arrogant way. He didn't consider himself like a tyrant, but as a real added value to our band."

5 a.m. studio

Before entering the studio, Children of Bodom have recorded demo versions for songs of Relentless Reckless Forever, which will be released in March. Laiho is simply thrilled.

"We have recorded some real demo tracks before the official sessions in the studio, and it was a great move. It has significantly reduced the risk of ending up with unpleasant surprises once in the studio and has saved us time because we have had no need to touch the songs."
Laiho nods and continues:
"Nevertheless, I was a little worried. I was not sure we could finish everything on time. We spent less time in the studio than with Blooddrunk, but once again we all worked hard, giving life to songs rather quickly."

During this time, Matt took the challenge and proved to be a relentless boss.

"Matt is a true workaholic and probably consumed 5 gallons of energy drinks per day. He didn't seem to ever sleep. Sometimes he was already standing at 5 am fiddling with the knobs in the studio!" (laughs)

Most of the tracks on Relentless Reckless Forever was recorded at Petrax Studio in Hollola, Finland.

"Hyde usually works in LA and he was perplexed when we said him we had decided to record the album in Hollola. At first he was skeptical on the fact that we can have a professional studio among the woods of Finland, all his doubts were chased away when he saw our instrumentation."

The work is then continued in September in Hyde's studio in Van Nuys, California and the album was completed in Vancouver, Canada.

"I recorded solos and vocals when we were in LA. As soon as we finished the sessions planned with Petrax, I was left time to write the lyrics, I always leave them on last. It is always the same story. Nothing new." (Laiho sniggers)

But it isn't like that, this time the word "Bodom" does not appear in any of the titles.

"Exactly. I also noticed it and I thought "Wow, I seem to have forgotten something!" To forgive me, I'll have to insert the word "Bodom" at least twice"

What was it like to write and record songs this time?

"In L.A. I stayed at this ghetto style motel and I wrote most of the lyrics in the middle of the night. I had agreed with Matt about the fact that I could call at any time for any doubts. I happened to write lyrics at 5 am just because I was inspired, after shouting and screaming in the studio for a while, I was so exhausted that I collapsed in bed, slept a few hours and then resumed writing. It was exhausting but also much easier than before."

The other members of Children Of Bodomthe will reach the studios of Vancouver.

"We flew to Vancouver just before the U.S. tour to record choirs and other small parts of the album. We were also able to listen to the entire full-length album a couple of times before leaving"
(Laiho makes a small pause)
"I have to admit I felt great listening to our finished work for the first time. Because of programs such string, the recording session was pretty busy, so it was nice to hear the finished album after months of hard work. A couple of plays and a few beers later, it seemed even more beautiful. Very good sign!"

What kind of album can we expect?

"I'm so much involved in this thing, that for me is almost impossible to analyze everything from a objective point of view. Many people told me that in Relentless Reckless Forever is possible to recognize different eras of the band's history, some parts remind "Follow the Reaper" while others are completely new. That said, I must admit that I never thought about the big picture, for example saying "Ok, let's write Hate Crew Deathroll part two". Everything must be done in a natural way. What will be, will be."
"As for my specific job, I can say that there are a couple of the best solos I've ever created in this new album. Janne (Warman, keyboards) has created some really good stuff and the drum parts split the eardrums, thanks to the sound of Jaska (Raatikainen, drums), simply superb. An incredible sound!"

Crazy on the road!

What does a band that works hard, as soon as it finish to record an album? It leaves for a tour of two months in the U.S. of course!

"We've been around so much during these last years that our tours seem to blend together, creating a single huge tour around the world. It seems centuries have passed since Blooddrunk has begun. Ten years or more." (laughs)
"On the other hand, a couple of times it happened that we travelled around the world at the speed of light, so that we could also work with other things, like recording an entire album of cover songs."

Children of Bodom have come to not only entertain the crowd, but also themselves, an essential skill for a band that spends most of the time on the road.

"The Halloween show at our last tour was phenomenal. Before the concert we decided to make it really special, so Roope (Latvala, guitars) was dressed as Jesus, Janne was The Reaper, Henkka (Blacksmith, bass) was dressed as a woman, Jaska as Spider-Man and I was dressed as a monk. The beauty is that we were not drunk. We performed perfectly sober."(Laiho grins)
"At first the audience stared at us in awe and wondered who that mob of crazy on stage could be, but then they got it. It's all about Henkka, his disguise was simply spectacular. Jaska has almost died choking in his Spider-Man costume, he was so wrapped!"

Did you happen to meet Zakk Wylde (during the tour with Black Label Society)? I heard he have had some health problems.

"Well Zakk has not been very present. I think I have seen him only once off the stage during the whole tour. He usually came directly from the hotel before the concert and left soon after. Wylde has also had to bear the hospital during the tour and we all wondered whether to cancel the shows or not. Luckily, Zakk has recovered very well and despite all the problems he has performed very well every night."

Let's now talk about a concert that took place some years ago. Alexi has played at a charity event for the Deftone's bassist, Chi Cheng (seriously injured after a car accident). He performed the show with drummer Dave Lombardo (Slayer), guitarist Daron Malakian (System Of A Down) and bassist Robert Trujillo (Metallica).

"I know Chino Moreno, Deftone's lead singer who asked me to take part in this charity show. Well, why not! I had the opportunity to play "Battery" by Metallica with all these great artists. I enjoyed it like crazy!"
^thank you for the interview :)

"But it isn't like that, this time the word "Bodom" does not appear in any of the titles.

"Exactly. I also noticed it and I thought "Wow, I seem to have forgotten something!"
"At first the audience stared at us in awe and wondered who that mob of crazy on stage could be, but then they got it. It's all about Henkka, his disguise was simply spectacular."

The pictures from that show were awesome too :D! Just found a video from that show.

..and thanks again, sleeper!:kickass:
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That interview seems to be the same which was released in (in Finnish). I don't know if the same was released in other EMP-sites also.
thanks for the interviews sleeper and Deadnight Reaper:)

Here's another interesting interview:


The melodic death metal stalwarts CHILDREN OF BODOM will release their new album "Relentless Reckless Forever" on 4th March. Bassist Henkka about the new album, the upcoming tour with Ensiferum and Machinae Supremacy and more!
What is the message of the album title?
It is what it is! How we feel about the album.

What is the difference between your new album "Relentless Reckless Forever" and the albums before that?
I don't know. I never know when the album is finished. There are always some differences. I think this is more melodic than the two predecessors. I love this album. I have more favorite songs on this album than on every other HCDR album.

What are your favorite tracks on the album?
"Shovel Knockout," "Road Trip" and "Ugly"

Are there any cover songs on the new album?
Yes, Eddie Murphy's "Party All The Time! It is on it only in some countries and in some versions.

Your new album was produced by Matt Hyde. How was the cooperation?
It was great! He has already had an idea of the songs during the recordings. Small detail changes that however have a large impact. The recordings with him were impressive. I felt in good hands, and I never felt in good hands when I was in the studio before. So it was really good. The sound is different now. New stuff, but I think in a positive way.

You shot a video for the song "Was It Worth It? ". What can we expect?
Hehe, it's a strange song. It is the easiest of the whole album. Simple and yet so catchy. We wanted to shoot a video of two different songs and "Shovel Knockout" was the other. Both total pass away. So we have two extremes of the album on video. The simple fun song "Was It Worth It?"And the furious, fast,hard but at the same time melodic song"Shovel knockout”.

Pro skater Chris Cole is also shown in the video! How did it come to this Cooperation?
We met him a few years agot, he was also a fan. Somehow we have learned more about us and now Chris and I are good friends. I visited him during my holiday in California. We thought it would be good to have these cool skaters in our video. He was so obsessed with the idea that he did it! It has become well!

The New York Times said about your stage show it was "technically dazzling". Is that like a royal praise for you?
Haha ... .. I don't know man ... .. It's all good!

Your European tour will start in March 2011. Are there many countries on the map where you've never been before?
Yes, I am very excited! Turkey, Romania, Bulgaria!

The tour leads you through 23 European countries. How do you keep fit on tour?
So, the show itself is very stressful. I also try to keep my head fit with reading and discoveries. I often go swimming too! These things keep me fit.

What does your tour banner "The Ugly World Tour" mean?
We wanted to just have a simple, yet beautiful name for our tour. And Ugly is one of my favorite songs and it's a World Tour. Makes Ugly World Tour. Haha ....

Most of the time you will be supported on tour by ENSIFERUM and Machinae Supremacy. There are also a few shows with AMON AMARTH in England. What is your connection to the bands and what do you expect?
We know the guys from ENSIFERUM for many years now. They're cool and we get along with them very well. They are known everywhere, it's just good to have them on board.
We already were on tour with AMON AMARTH a few times. They're really nice guys. We also had good times with them and I love their music! I'm sure it will be a nice tour.
I know the guys of Machinae Supremacy personally. I've listened to a bit of their stuff and it seemed as if they were the right opener. I'm sure we will get along great with the guys.

Some time ago you did a tour with SLIPKNOT and MACHINE HEAD. What experiences did you get there?
It was crazy. The biggest tour we've ever made. I was surprised how famous SLPIKNOT are, because I've never been a fan of them. Their live show is a unique experience.
We have filled large halls every night and it was good. MACHINE HEAD are fine too. We had a great time with Rob and Phill!

Any final words for your European fans?
We are very happy that we can start the tour in Europe, our home continent. And we are glad that we can play in so many different countries. The new, which I have already mentioned, and the well-tried in Central Europe. There are also a few places here where we have not played in a long time like Greece. Stay tuned! See you people!
You shot a video for the song "Was It Worth It? ". What can we expect?
Hehe, it's a strange song. It is the easiest of the whole album. Simple and yet so catchy. We wanted to shoot a video of two different songs and "Shovel Knockout" was the other. Both total pass away. So we have two extremes of the album on video. The simple fun song "Was It Worth It?"And the furious, fast,hard but at the same time melodic song"Shovel knockout”.

that's awsome!
I concur with the awesomeness of a SKO video.

I'm also surprised Not my funeral is not on the list of Henkka's favs. It seemed to be everyone's fav. from the interviews.
That's a good sign really. That would mean that there are more than 3 good songs on the album.
Assuming Henkka has a good musical taste and so do the reviewers. I think Ugly is a really good song but if it's in the top 3 of best songs, I would be a tiny bit disappointed.
That's a good sign really. That would mean that there are more than 3 good songs on the album.
Assuming Henkka has a good musical taste and so do the reviewers. I think Ugly is a really good song but if it's in the top 3 of best songs, I would be a tiny bit disappointed.

Don't forget that Henkka knows how to play all the bass on the album. Sometimes, knowing how to play one song can alter your judgement for this type of question. It happens in my case though.

What is the difference between your new album "Relentless Reckless Forever" and the albums before that?
I don't know. I never know when the album is finished. There are always some differences. I think this is more melodic than the two predecessors. I love this album. I have more favorite songs on this album than on every other HCDR album.
Henkka also stated Blooddrunk was the best song they had while Tie My Rope sucked.. it's not necessary to make radical judgements based on someone's opinion.