COB Interviews

Saying that Pantera sucks = saying modern metal sucks. I can undersrand why people hate the 2 last albums, but the others (cowboys, vulgar & far beyond driven) is pure gold.

And yeah, judgeing his intelligence and apperance by music taste is beyond dumb. (Dumberer) :D
Saying that Pantera sucks = saying modern metal sucks. I can undersrand why people hate the 2 last albums, but the others (cowboys, vulgar & far beyond driven) is pure gold.

Pure gold? More like sand, it just falls down your fingers leaving nothing in hand.
So tell me what about groove riffs, tasty screaming solos and some of the most ranging vocals since halfort don't you like?
Not a fan of Thrash metal at all?
Tell me what metal you like, I'd love to know.
So tell me what about groove riffs, tasty screaming solos and some of the most ranging vocals since halfort don't you like?
Not a fan of Thrash metal at all?

Tell me what metal you like, I'd love to know.

Sure. Most recent pieces of metal that have conquered my heart:

5:20 - 5:55

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You are too much into atmospheric stuff, not that it is bad music, but it seems that it is all you care about, atmospheric blackmetal and doom-metal are genres that are quite fed up these days, too much bands like those.
And yes there isn't that many atmospheric Pantera songs, but cemetery gates and Hallow are far into the epicness category.

Cover songs of game/movie themes are always worth a spin, but hardly counted as original "real" music.
Pantera is like someone went to construction area and pressed rec.

Trust me, music needs to have an emotion.

Trust me, keyboards aren't the only way to express emotion.
There's plenty of "atmosphere" in Pantera songs too. Atmosphere isn't unique to melodeath/metal/whicheversubgenreyouprefer.
Cover songs of game/movie themes are always worth a spin, but hardly counted as original "real" music.

Soundtrack music is often associated with an event and emotion.

It's clear we perceive creativity through a wholly different concept. Let's take for example the song Hatebreeder. We can agree it's a technical piece of music. It is also genuine in emotional charge and atmosphere. If you somehow strip away all the ambition and cunning energies from the song, it no longer interests me. In this song technicality has been used to express a certain emotion in melodic death form. What is more important, the emotion or the musical theory? What made this shit a cult is the creativity on the atmosphere side 60% and the technical playing 40%. All you need to do is let some nutbag twist the composition here and there and all the emotional power will be destroyed. Banging instruments hard and fast isn't enough. The secret to great art has always been the sensitive mind investigating emotional boundaries and finding a way to express them. It demands very very sharp thinking and an open emotional and creative flow to make the best art. Change one note on a great melody and it's ruined. Even if that one note is replaced by a technically skilled improvision that doesn't serve the idea or emotional energy flow of the song.

Think about All Twisted chorus, it's hard to say if it has emotion, but at least it makes you feel good, so I'm not saying everything needs to have a particular emotion to be good music......

Cemetery Gates by Pantera is probably the most horrible song ever written in my opinion. True abhorrence. Why does it have to exist?

If the definition of metal is "noise made of senseless, melodyless chord progressions", then I guess I don't like metal. You think so technical. To me metal just means vigorous, dark music where electric guitars are involved to some extent, I don't care what technical system is used to play.
Cemetery Gates by Pantera is probably the most horrible song ever written in my opinion. True abhorrence. Why does it have to exist?

Okay, I see, you are kind of not a metal fan I guess, but not only that I think you haven't heard the song enough.

And to leave it at that in my opinion you are either a troll, deaf or near it and very ignorant of the roots of Bodom's music.

How can you say that a song that influenced so many guitarists and vocalists is utter crap?

In final, your opinion, however how idiotic it was before, is now not even worth reading at all in any circumstance. Kind of regret having this conversation in the first place, you are clearly on the other side of the scale from me...
Confused when someone confronts your reality?

This isn't spectacular or surprising at all, thinking that every single Bodom song is someone's favourite and someone's least favourite. It's hard to accept, but music divides people's taste in incredible ways.
No I'm not confused about Pantera or any music like them, and no the reality is that Pantera was a great band.

Yeah, but I don't know any other than you who listens to Bodom mainly just for the emotional and atmospheric aspect. I listen to Bodom because of the killer leads and solos Alexi manage to write and pull off. And I'm generally a fan of all extream metal so vocals and brutality level gives me something too.
Yeah, but I don't know any other than you who listens to Bodom mainly just for the emotional and atmospheric aspect. I listen to Bodom because of the killer leads and solos Alexi manage to write and pull off. And I'm generally a fan of all extream metal so vocals and brutality level gives me something too.

Of course I love the brutality, technicality and solos just as much, but not when it's just pointless noise. Dude, I'm a fucking melodic death sucker. It can be done creatively and not creatively. I'm sure you'll find others who like Bodom but not Pantera. They're extremely different.
The thing is, Joonas, that you regard anything besides your fabled and proclaimed atmospheric bands as utter bullshit, like what you've did with Pantera.

It is one thing and perfectly acceptable if you don't like them (I don't like them either) but you should be more respectful.
I'm speaking calmly. It's just speculation based on the limited experience. You never know, I mean I did end up liking Roadkill Morning after hating it for years, but yes the generalization is I like soulful music more. Even sterile thrashing can, however, be made in a way that I like, for example... 0:08 - 0:25 in this song, but it's all about the creativity that surrounds the sterile riffing. Whether you like Bodom or Pantera more, you can't argue Bodom is richer in hooks.

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......... Whether you like Bodom or Pantera more, you can't argue Bodom is richer in hooks.

Richer in hooks????!??!??!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, to be clear before you judge me on being a die hard Pantera fan, that I'm not, I just happen to like most of their music but I like a lot of bands more, among them Bodom. But what Pantera have you listened to when you say that Bodom have more hooks? Pantera's music is mostly just hooks, at least their 3 first thrash albums are. It is groovy music with really dead on riffing, beats and hooks. The only thing Bodom is better with is on the usage of lead guitar and keyboard to build an atmosphere. Which they did exclusively on all albums up until Hate Crew.

BTW, the road from Roadkill Morning to most of Pantera's latest songs aren't that huge, mostly only the keyboard...and stereotypical Alexi solos...