COB Interviews

Imagine how difficult and shitty the Bodom rhythm guitarist's job is if he doesn't like the music. Must feel extremely chaotic and exhaustive to Roope, being with all those people and traveling. But still, maybe his age / health took a toll on him, cos no-one in their right mind would quit such a cool job, playing that gig and being worshiped everyday.
Apparently Amorphis have covered a yet unrevealed Bodom song for their album Under the Red Cloud to be released in September, but there's no Bodom track in the tracklist, not even in bonus tracks. Maybe they decided not to include it cos it would expose how much better Bodom is.

The whole red cloud thing was the metaphora in the suicidal theme for Halo of Blood, so that's already quite a copy, but of course not many will figure.
I can't even wrap my head around the concept of Bodom doing Black Winter Day, let alone Amorphis doing a COB track. I've heard COB covers before, but not from any major label bands.

I think this track would have been a better choice for COB's playing style. BWD has like those weird parts with the clean singing and slow keyboard soloing. The only riff that I can even visualize COB playing would be the intro riff.
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who said Amorphis' covering a COB track?! They haven't said anything about it. They just posted on their media acounts that "our good friends in COB are covering BWD. Should we do COB cover too?" just to see the feedback or promote their label mates, I guess.
who said Amorphis' covering a COB track?! They haven't said anything about it. They just posted on their media acounts that "our good friends in COB are covering BWD. Should we do COB cover too?" just to see the feedback or promote their label mates, I guess.

The Interviewer said in the Tuska Interview, maybe he also misunderstood it.!/post/55a3ad93b547d70300439cad
Alexi comments on Roope Latvala.. but could someone in here translate..? :)

Do you want to talk about why Roope's not in the band?

We grew in different directions. I want to make clear we didn't part in a war situation. We all wish Roope only good, and I believe he will get a lot of good stuff still done in his career.

Later he says that they've been searching for a new guitarist who will be a full time band member, and that they are 95% sure who its going to be, but can't say it yet.

Also a lot of praise to Antti. He learned the songs very fast (Alexi only had to meet him 4 times to teach him all the required songs), and plays well.
Thanks for translating ESA. I am guessing it is Daniel Freyburg and that it will be announced when the first music video is released.
Yeah that's indeed a factor. We want to sense the guitarist really likes Bodom. I'm sure it's not hard to find a good guitarist who loves this music. Then again I understand in this special occasion it was nice to give this huge opportunity for a band member's brother, given it was a quick call for temporary help anyway.
Yeah, Antti definitely has the chops, but is he really a rockstar ready to tour the world? I want to see CoB recruit a new guitarist who will go nuts on stage and take their live show to the next level.
What's wrong with Antti?

He can play and he's not annoying like his brother. But they can do better.

Since Alexi is fond of the US, I think it would help if they got an American guitarist. Or does COB have got be all-Finnish?

Nick Cordle would be a good fit. He can play, he's a music theory nerd, and he's more crowd-oriented live. That would help Alexi relax a bit more.
Since I got to meet Roope on many occasions (more than the others I mean) and have some talks with him I really have hopes for a "crowd-oriented" player. You know; that can of guitarist which makes you feel like he really "sees" you and not just look at the back of the room (best exemple in my opinion: Sami Hinkka; a true live-beast).

Regarding Antti; I was a bit sceptical when I heard the news but after seeing their live in Moscow I was totally convinced that he is the one who should fill Roope's shoes. And now I'd be quite disappointed if they go for someone else. ESPECIALLY Daniel Freyberg. For this man is a pure joke in my opinion; like this is more about hair and looking sad/desperated/about-to-commit-suicide look in order to get emos teenagers girl to wet their panties for him.

Really dislike everything about that man and his music...

On the bright side, that would indeed bring back the Jackson...
It's silly if Alexi is the only guy in the band who likes their music. A lack of passion doesn't necessarily translate into the playing, but a vocalist (and song writer) must love the music. Antti has done his job which is play the songs fine, but sure he could move more on stage, and it would be nice to know the Bodom rhythm guitarist gets kicks from the music he plays. Just wave that damn hair in a big circle till you pass out.