COB Interviews

Since I got to meet Roope on many occasions (more than the others I mean) and have some talks with him I really have hopes for a "crowd-oriented" player. You know; that can of guitarist which makes you feel like he really "sees" you and not just look at the back of the room (best exemple in my opinion: Sami Hinkka; a true live-beast).

Regarding Antti; I was a bit sceptical when I heard the news but after seeing their live in Moscow I was totally convinced that he is the one who should fill Roope's shoes. And now I'd be quite disappointed if they go for someone else. ESPECIALLY Daniel Freyberg. For this man is a pure joke in my opinion; like this is more about hair and looking sad/desperated/about-to-commit-suicide look in order to get emos teenagers girl to wet their panties for him.

Really dislike everything about that man and his music...

On the bright side, that would indeed bring back the Jackson...

Yeah, Sami is awesome. I've highfived him five times now. :D Been to three Ensiferum gigs. I also have two of Markus' picks. Almost got Petri's pick too. Stepped pretty much right on to it, but didn't notice it. Instead I only saw Markus' pick, lying perhaps a meter to the side.

Don't really know much about Freyberg. He joined Norther which was a band I liked, but the album they made after Petri left wasn't that good IMO. Can't remember much of him live either. Was mostly surprised by how well Aleksi "sang" compared to the album.
Do you want to talk about why Roope's not in the band?

We grew in different directions. I want to make clear we didn't part in a war situation. We all wish Roope only good, and I believe he will get a lot of good stuff still done in his career.

Later he says that they've been searching for a new guitarist who will be a full time band member, and that they are 95% sure who its going to be, but can't say it yet.

Also a lot of praise to Antti. He learned the songs very fast (Alexi only had to meet him 4 times to teach him all the required songs), and plays well.

thanks!!! :)
Jackson hasn't been very good since it was bought by Fender IMO

It's more hit and miss now days- I've played an old 89 Jackson and it was definitely better than the stuff they're releasing now; however the Jackson I own now plays and feels great and has been beat up but still works fine. I also tried a $750 Dinky a few years ago at a guitar store and it played/ sounded just as good as a $2000 Ibanez I have so it really comes down to the guitar.

That's the thing with the mid ranged priced ESP/Jackson/Epiphone guitars- most of them aren't that great because they're mass produced but occasionally you can find one that really kicks ass.
Jackson hasn't been very good since it was bought by Fender IMO

It's more hit and miss now days- I've played an old 89 Jackson and it was definitely better than the stuff they're releasing now; however the Jackson I own now plays and feels great and has been beat up but still works fine. I also tried a $750 Dinky a few years ago at a guitar store and it played/ sounded just as good as a $2000 Ibanez I have so it really comes down to the guitar.

That's the thing with the mid ranged priced ESP/Jackson/Epiphone guitars- most of them aren't that great because they're mass produced but occasionally you can find one that really kicks ass.

I meant only to the Green one, Alexi and Henkka, probably won't drop their signatures (btw it was just a humorous remark from me,but yeah sadly the ESP would takeover, although DF has his custom guitars, maybe he wouldn't want to lay down them, so he will refuse the contract or idk)

Yeah, they can't renew their supply that's why the others overtake Jackson's leadership, but I think we cannot really complain because most of us have an RR24, which was a really good and quality series imo, so not every modern Jackson is bad. ;)
IT'S OFFICIAL, PRE-ALBUM INTERVIEWS ARE SCRIPTED!!! Just like last two albums, they have the 5 questions and 5 answers, both are always exactly the same, and you remember them beforehand. Interviewer tries to remember the questions given by the record label while the band member is bored having to give the same answer all over again. :lol:

Janne makes it very clear they're not allowed to say anything about the album, except "dark." Otherwise he would hate it, not to care mention anything about it.
Nothing new except Alexi's other favourite tracks are IWC, Horns, Widdershins, I Hurt. Hope the others are worth something, too.