COB Interviews

jesusss, Janne was so mean about my country but I hope fans didn't take him seriously. although he meant it :D
anyway it was really chaotic, mostly about other bands they like, movies, series etc. but maybe it wasn't their fault, very few ppl actually asked questions about the new album and the chat was sooo fast they might even missed them..
Nah, they're just not allowed to talk about it yet. Record label always gives a couple lines they can use, they make the same interview everywhere. I'm sure half of the questions are about the new songs. Janne didn't even answer your question about the best moments of the album. ;)

They're also not allowed to talk bad about other bands. Or to get involved in politics or whatever. It's quite natural since they can't even talk about their own fucking art!! Selling soul to devil or marketing?
Well personally nothing they say about the new album will calm my anxiousness until I fucking get to listen to it. :D
also, I don't know if they're not allowed to talk "bad" about other bands? I mean, Alexi had said stuff in the past right? About Dream Theater or so? And in this Q&A he did imply that he doesn't like 5FFDP. :P and Janne saying that, I guess they can't always contain themselves.
I believe it's a marketing issue of course.. I can't and will never think of COB as one of those sold bands.
Yeah and everyone soon found out Alexi doesn't like Dream Theater's live act...
It's certain they can't talk bad about bands of similar style or under same record label. They didn't even say bad about Bieber. COB are diminishing themselves by not claiming the position they deserve. They'd be better off just saying 'we're pretty much the best metal band out there so forget about Megadeth, Slayer, Metallica, Pantera...' But they wanna stay good friends with the guys so it's natural they'll never speak bad. Maybe they actually like those shit bands? Maybe they forgot they used to write epic albums... Well let's see this new album first, then we'll know how serious they take themselves these days.
Didn't seem nasty at all considering Greece's finances are in the toilet and they were only accepted into the EU because they lied.

apparently u know ur shit, but maybe you should leave politic comments out of
this forum.

Nasty Janne comment about Greece's economy at 3:40 but I am sure he was joking.

My guess: he was joking about the fact that they "might consider" coming back if Greece pay its loans back, but his feelings towards the country have definitely changed :P
We actually talked about it a bit when I met him some days ago. He was evil, but it was a good laugh. He seemed to be fully aware of the fact that he was being mean, as he used the phrase "cause I'm an asshole" lots of times :flame:
well I still love him :D
Track 9 has soloing end, we knew that basically, nothing new.

Alexi talks about old hits, then goes: ""old hits"", that's when I squinted my eyes venomously.
Fair enough. Roope often seemed depressed anyway. He should make a youtube channel, would be fun to listen to his ramblings. If he's not clever enough to do that, he's either gonna remain unemployed, try to get to some other economically sustaining band, start a guitar clinique/shop, (which is bound to not sell enough these days) or do what Alexander did and start a guitar school to attract Bodom fans...

Now let's hear the album.
Fair enough. Roope often seemed depressed anyway. He should make a youtube channel, would be fun to listen to his ramblings. If he's not clever enough to do that, he's either gonna remain unemployed, try to get to some other economically sustaining band, start a guitar clinique/shop, (which is bound to not sell enough these days) or do what Alexander did and start a guitar school to attract Bodom fans...

Now let's hear the album.

Alexander didn't start one, he joined one (Tauko RMO, Espoo). Source? I was his student for a year.