^^Yeah, thanks again
Edit: Here is the translation sleeper666 asked for

I dont know is it so correctly translated by grammar but here it is anyway.
Children Of Bodom – At the source of ultimate heaviness
To the conference room of record Label Spinefarm comes little bit wilted guitarist Alexi Laiho. Yesterday evening went late and Laiho has just been waken up from night to give interviews for medias eager for information. Heavymetal-punks hangover isn’t the worst kind so Laiho has got some energy to speak about Children Of Bodoms new Blooddrunk-album and about who is it going with his band.
Blooddrunk is even in the scale of Bodoms very heavy and angry package. Has the limit of ultimate heaviness been reached?
- That’s pretty much what we achieved with that album. You can always do better but we achieved what we achieved.
In year 2006 Children Of Bodom toured around the world in Unholy Alliance-tour with Slayer. To the heavymetal-caravan were belonged also In Flames, Lamb Of God and Thine Eyes Bleed. Has there been some effects to the Blooddrunks heavy context by touring as a warm-up band with thrash-legend?
- Yeh, your rowfellow’s have always some effect to your own playing, at least if you tour with fucking great bands like Slayer of Lamb Of God. You don’t seek the effect by purpose, but there might stay something to your subconscious.
Blooddrunk will see the daylight in Finland 9th April, so there will be busy time at the spring for Children Of Bodom. Bands gigcalendar has been filled to the end of the year 2009.
- Now I’m 28. When I come back home from tour I’m over 30, so I’ll come back as an old man.
The row consists again pretty inclusive area from world. Right now the reapers are going to go to Australia, New Zealand, tour Europe and go to Usa more than once – first time as a warm-up for Megadeth. Next fall there will be clubgigs in Finland. Is there any place on earth where the scythe of Bodom hasn’t been swinged yet?
- We haven’t been so much in Africa, but I bet it’s not really our place. There are a few unmapped places.
The manic-depressive Bodom
Blooddrunk has been recorded in the middle of Finland’s forestviews, Hollola. On the grounds of video from bands homepage, recordings have run enjoyable. Still, accomplished output is one big teeth-tightening and crumple of barbwire.
- I guess we are so manic-depressive band then. Either we have very good spirit of happening or then mindless rage on, Alexi grins.
Songs played with attitude need lyrics with attitude. While listening to Alexi’s holler most clearly separates words “fuck”, “fucking” or “motherfucker”. Highlighting of swearing might turn up into corny in some other context, but because it’s about Children Of Bodom, every f-word has gained its place. The rage is real.
Depth or poetry has never been part of Laiho’s lyrics. They are pretty much letting out shitty feelings.
- Oh oh how I felt so pissed off again, Laiho laughs and takes a draught from beer.
- It’s important for me how the lyrics sound like, not how fine they look on the paper. Singing is just one instrument more along the others.
Finnish-language metal is now very in. For Laiho, the heavymetal sang on his own language is however a bit difficult thing.
- I still don’t really dig about the combination of metal and finnish-language. For example Mokoma and Stam1na play very great music, but its kind of difficult for me to process them because of the language. Of course I would listen to those bands more, if they would sang in English.
The overdoes of classical
Alexis enormous reputation as a guitarist is known by everyone. Also worldwide guitar-icons from Zakk Wylde to Steve Vai have marvelled at the slick fingers of punk from Espoo. The secret of Alexis playingskills is very simple: hardcore practising. Still nowadays Laiho has got patience to do some playing rehearsals.
-Training is about occasion. At row you play before gig to spend time. At home I play for pure joy of playing. I aspire to hold on the technique constantly.
The first recordings of Children Of Bodom included moreover with brawl influence from callis mucis. At the lap of 19th century the scales of classical started to slacken and have stayed away since.
- At one point it felt like all the metalbands make classical-things. It made pissed off and we threw the classic-stuff away.
Blooddrunk is 6th full-length album of the Bodomites. Every album includes important Bodom-classics that the fans want to hear. From the new album 4-5 songs will be incorporated to the setlist.
-Making a setlist begins to be fucking difficult. Its impossible to play all the important songs. But I think we manage to make some kind of set…
Keys on the forehead
The fans of Bodom can be very fanatic. Alexi Laiho doesn’t get scared for small things, but sometimes he meets exceptions that might get your hair up.
- Those guys who write the name of the band all around their body with razorblade, tattoo the faces of the players to their foreheads and ask, can I come and live with you, are quite scary. All you can say is that, yeah, nice spirit of happening but lets take a look later.
Children Of Bodom have met very few of really forbidding situations. To the stage though might time to time flit pretty odd things.
-We were on a gig somewhere and something small flit to my forehead. I pulled the gig to the end bleeding and wound in my face. I though about that later like what the fuck was it. It turned out to be a bunch of keys. How somebody can be so stupid that throws keys to the stage! Those keyes ended to some bin.
Laiho has said in some interview that he doesn’t think Children Of Bodom exist in year 2007. Now its year 2008 and its seems to go well.
- I never believed that we would stick togehter this long. I try not to think the future. If you have to think about it, let’s wait for the worst.
Blooddrunk song by song by Alexi Laiho
Hellhounds On My Trail
- Self-evident start for the album. The song doesn’t as or hesitate.
- Very different compared to previous. Works very well as a second song. Fucking agonizing, but rocks at the same time.
- This digresses pretty much from our earlier songs. Its built logically but little epic. We mixed different metal-genres.
One Day You Will Cry
- Absolutely my favorite song from this album. Even though its very heavy, there’s some Miami Vice-kind of pop-melody in it.
Smile Pretty For The Devil
- Basic-Bodom. As far as I can remember the first song that was written to the album.
Tie My Rope
- This has been released before in Bam Margeras Viva La Bands vol.2 collection. Its very good promotion for us because teenagers buy anything what includes Bam. The song was re-recorded
for the album.
Done with Everything, Die For Nothing
- The song was called a long time as a pain in the ass. It felt almost impossible to get a proper song from it and it shapeshifted many times. At the end it turned out to be pretty good.
Banned From Heaven
- Its the best from our slower songs. This ends to a fucking agony scream and guitar feedback, what is great way to move to the last song.
Roadkill Morning
- My favourite song by the lyrics. It tells about horrible hangover, even worse that Im having now. I wrote these lyrics at 5am, sweaty and distressed. I started to describe the worst possible whereabouts and the result developed easily.