COB Interviews

Oh well, thanks anyway. May that one be the one he said something that next to Loomis Alexi's playing seemed kid's stuff or something? I remember reading something like that, but I don't remember if it was the Opeth dude or who, Alexi has loads of haters, although quite some fans too. I was surprised when I got to know that Nergal from Behemoth likes Alexi's playing. I mean, I asumed he'd be like ''bah that's ghey metal'' or something in that retarded way quite a lot of death-black metal people tend to think. But then again you can't judge someone by the genre of music he plays :)
there`ll be an interview with jaska/cob on fhradio tonight.
18-20h 96,8 MHz
the interview is from 24.11.08 in düsseldorf.
win autographcards as well!!
more infos about the radio show on
hi friends,

a interview with Jaska are online now at :headbang:



Good interview, as Val said.

I hope the purists don't get in a little elitist hissy fit over what Jaska said about how they pick songs for a short setlist/opening gig like with Slipknot.

It's honestly the smart thing to do, and there's nothing wrong with it at all.
HS: On the last tour, in Ohio, we met some random girls and ended up at a students’ place. It was a house party and we went back to the bus really late around 4 am. Janne mixed us some huge jugs of White Russian and I blacked out. In the morning, our record label guy was taped to the sofa. He couldn’t move and he was sprayed all over with those green sticky serpentines. The whole carpet was also sprayed and our tour manager was very pissed he couldn’t even walk through the bus. There was so much crap on the floor. Then he came to me and asked me: “What the fuck did you do last night? Why did you destroy the bus?” So I said: “It wasn’t me, I was in bed”. Then, I got to see some footage of the night and I was definitely one of those who trashed the place but I couldn’t remember a thing.

Funny stuff.
Children of bodom are in the new terrorizer mag, they're on the cover. :D I don't have time to type it up right now but i can tomorrow sometime.