COB Interviews

This was supposed to be more melodic and a return to the roots. What the hell is going on. I want a proper review A-sap.

The review did say it was melodic enough. But for Bodom to become as smooth as "the old days" they better toss those EMG mics straight to hell. And dig up Janne's old keyboard presets.
^Here you are. I skipped all the basic intros and fillers that everyone knows already.

In the listening session Janne and Jaska introduced new album shortly: “First time we have 10 songs in the album. Hope you like it”.
Jaap Wagerman from Nuclear Blast told last summer that “something wild” is coming. At band used “heavy as fuck” to describe album. Deep analyses are correct, new album offers heavy bombing even in COB’s standards. Even though 10 song album has some filler parts, it also has the most interesting bodom in the long time.
Album goes straight to the point, first song Waste of Skin explodes to your face ignoring speed limits. Skilful players haven’t lost their chops; there are complicated rhythms and melodies through whole album. Challenging songs to play take music to more extreme direction. Album is mostly dominated by Jaska’s blast beat but there also more progressive and slower parts. Bodom sounds like Bodom although melodies are not as smooth as on early albums.