COB Interviews

Does anyone notice that they reused the name of the song "Roundtrip to Hell and Back" from one of their "in progress" songs when they were recording Blooddrunk.
Does anyone notice that they reused the name of the song "Roundtrip to Hell and Back" from one of their "in progress" songs when they were recording Blooddrunk.

I KNEW I'd heard it somewhere. You're completely right. They changed it to Roadkill didn't they? I dunno.

But yeah, I wonder what it's like.
The soundshock one was interesting, but hell, I hate interviews full of background noises and shitty sound :( Alexi mumbling around didn't help either :lol:
The "Waccan" thing is hilarious. Looking forward to what they have in mind for the tour, must've been something like two years since their last European tour and I can't wait to see them live again!
Thanks guys for posting!
Roundtrip 2 Hell and Back was a working title for some of the first announced Blooddrunk tracks, but Alexi did not remember which one when it was asked later.
The thing is the band jams some riffs and stuff and eventually a song forms.. and they remember it by the music, or by some silly working title.
^Exactly why?
When I have some project names for songs and change the name afterwards, I usually remember the original one. But maybe it isn't so high priority for Alexi to remember project titles. And when I think about it like that, my comment was stupid and unnecessary.
Good that you thought it through, because to me is the same as Alexi, I know how the song sounds, but until I have the definitive title I always have a lot of stupid pre-titles that I tend to forget all the time. And then I find a Guitar Pro file or an old recording with said old titles and I'm like ":lol: what was I thinking?".
Same questions every time, it's amazing!!! But here's the interesting bits:

Alexi says the album is better than AYDY and Blooddrunk.

It seems the people who listened to the album see it as 'commercial', 'mainstream'... I don't want to get scared just yet, let's wait and see.

Alexi: "We have nothing against selling albums."
Some people will translate that as YES, we sold out purposefully...

Alexi says you're stupid if you think "making metal music 'bigger'" is wrong. I will say no comment at this point.

Was It Worth It? is said to be the most commercial track on the album. That I am 'happy' to hear, because it did sound the most commercial Bodom ever on the trailer. We don't want easy accessability to the metal that's obvious.

Why can't anyone ask about the music with some depth. Something like: "Describe how the spirit of the music has changed in comparison to the older albums, what elements are different, what kind of vibes the new songs have?"...
Why can't anyone ask about the music with some depth. Something like: "Describe how the spirit of the music has changed in comparison to the older albums, what elements are different, what kind of vibes the new songs have?"...
You should arrange an interview with them. Just say your from a small internet site.
Or get in touch with someone who will talk to them.

I understand they want to be bigger and make metal more well known and mainstream (although I'm not a fan of that word) but for me personally, seeing them in a stadium with 60.000 other people for 60 euros isn't as fun.
I understand it would be an awesome feeling to play for these kinds of audiences, but I always like smaller places where you have closer contact with the band and the interaction is better. (and 30 euros for a gig is expensive enough)
You should arrange an interview with them. Just say your from a small internet site.
Or get in touch with someone who will talk to them.

Maybe someday if I calmed myself down they might be interested to answer their most in depth fan questions about the music ever. I don't know. Maybe it would be better to do in text mode since Janne and Kal would probably give me an asswhoopin'.

But to be honest it would be interesting if I could compare stuff about albums and ask about the music and live setlist, but I don't want to annoy them. Some information passes both ways like this too.. like I didn't even realize I'm an idiot before they revealed it to me. :)

I did get a chance once and found out some pretty exciting stuff.

for me personally, seeing them in a stadium with 60.000 other people for 60 euros isn't as fun

That's right also. COB is still SOMEHOW "reachable." Bands with "divine" status are always a different thing. But COB will never be one because they don't act like something they're not. Alexi has a little status tho, but mostly they're down to earth - and hosting a role is something that attracts millions of kids searching for different roles to try while they're growing up. One thing is they dress normally, something that for example Nightwish doesn't do.

Speaking of which I think COB could try different outfits too. There's a vid from the last tour where Alexi wears a normal proper woolen shirt and it looks totally cool.
Alexi says you're stupid if you think "making metal music 'bigger'" is wrong. I will say no comment at this point.

I've never understood why some people are so dead set against it. Everyone here on the forum seems to be pretty moderate concerning this- but some people, regardless of how the band is doing musically, decide they hate the band simply because they know too many other people who now like the band.

I really don't get it. To use a smaller example than making the entire metal genre bigger, it really follows the same idea as to why some bands I'll download their music, and some I buy their cds religiously. Some bands who, in my opinion, are mediocre, I will download their music. But some bands, like COB, I buy their albums and merch because I want to give the band money because I feel like they deserve it- and I encourage other people to do the same.
Because publicity always attracts idiots, and idiots and sellout music support each other. COB is a hard art so it doesn't give much room for fucking around with the music even if they wanted to do what Metallica did with St. Anger, but it would be naive to think bands don't care about their albums selling (and shirts and tickets). Every band makes conscious moves to some extent to make their shit sell. It's 100% alright, but adjusting music to mainstream (by cutting off solos or whatever) is unforgivable.

But yeah, if WIWI is a one off on the album, distinctly more accessible and they wanted to tell the world they exist, I'd not blame them, the skateboarding video is a great idea too. Don't you think it's fucking wrong or kinda weird this music exists and most people don't know about it and listen to crap instead. If they have one track that's not very extreme metal but it's good on the ears then so what. Let's just hope the album is some dirty real Bodom metal and buries these sellout accusations.
Getting 'mainstream' is not neccesarily a bad thing. I mean you can of course make some shitty metal versions of Kesha or something, but look.

Behemoth, very fucking brutal band, has sold so many of recent album's copies that it turned platinum in Poland. And the same with their recent DVD. A blackened death metal managed to show up pretty high on Billboard, and believe me, they have not turned int a commercial band everyone here seems to be afraid of.
So basically while you may go simply mainstream, you may also BRING serious music TO the mainstream, which is not bad at all. It is great I think. If they can sell more and more, gain new fans and not stop being so mighty brutal, so can CoB.

Justo compare, , and .
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Nobody makes money with selling albums. Its the live shows. Making a bit more money with selling cds isnt that wrong.