COB/ Joe Satriani Guitar Harmonics Question

> some will argue back and forth, as most always will , but the Original Floyd is probably
>the best, in my opinion , in terms of stability, and build quality. Most of the knock off
> floyds are made with the same principles, but are constructed purely from pot metal, or
> weak and left over stuff. The higher quality ones give you better tone, etc etc etc.

True. There's absolutely no comparison between an original Floyd Rose bridge and the usual "licensed under" junk that you find on most trem-equipped guitars. My PS-II came with a licensed under..... it was a piece of JUNK, i constantly had problems with the whammy bar that screwed directly into the baseplate, and with the tuning - i replaced the baseplate and most other parts with original FR ones (still have the "licensed" saddles tho) and DAMN it plays just f'n awesome, the difference is astonishing.

The main thing that happens is that the "knife edges" on the baseplate, where it meets the 2 mounting posts on the guitar body, when they wear out, the trem will tend to stay slightly angled up if you push down on the bar, and vice versa. This causes the "persistend bend" syndrome, where after doing some dive bomb stunts, your strings will be slightly (or more) out of tune, and a quick tap on the whammy bar temporarily corrects the problem. Original floyds are made of much better quality and density of metal, so you won't have any slight sings of that problem for years and years of use. However, your typical "licensed under" floyd-rose bridge will eventually give you headaches because the metal wears out much more quickly.

And for "H" meaning "B" ........ i've heard/read that several places, but... why??!??!? what the hell is wrong with the letter B?!??! it's just confusing as hell!!!!!!!!
oh - and about strings breaking because of pulling upwards on a floating trem..... it doesn't put much more tension on each string than when you just do a bend with your left hand. If you exagerate too much on a bend or upward pull, the strings are more likely to slip out of the saddle than to break - (unless you tighten the string-clamp screws way too tight!!!) that's a neat advantage of the floyd-rose design, you don't need the ball end on the strings, so if a string slips out or breaks at the bridge, you just loosen the clamp screw and put the string end back in (:
thanks delt, everyone else, your all good helps, i actually did it the other day, it sounds ok, but i still need practice. As for my FR, Delt, could i completely replace my bridge with an original FR? if i can, ill go down to guitar center right now at 2 am and get one.

again, thank everyone. this is one of the reasons i come back to this board, the community. and agreements we all have. \m/ (shouldn't it be \n/ because we only have two fingers in between out "horns")