CoB Live at Wacken: LIVE STREAM

^^^^ me too - really cool! Tried to buy a ticket for the live stream but couldn't get the German instructions translated
quickly enough before my allocation time run out! Just heard Blooddrunk ... wish I was there ...
I :lol: so hard at Janne's comment! Well, I guess I have to do my fourth account now...

Hate Crew Deathroll!

Edit// Nooo!!! Umbrella xD.
WTF IS UP WITH THIS! :lol: This place in HCDR sounded so out of key/out of tune.

Okay! No offence to bodom but these solos and shit are pretty sloppy and all. The whole thing to be honest.
Yeah, he couldn't say anything, it sounded like "Hrnggngnghgn". Too drunk to speak. :lol:

Alexi asked if he was drunk, and it sounded like something: " Uhhh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh I.... I'm .. really wasted". Then Alexi said: "Yeah, we're Children of Bodom and we don't drink alcohol."

The whole thing was pretty hard to understand.
I'm sorry but can't remember the exact words - guess I was laughing too hard :blush:. But he spoke about lights and a riverboat, so you guys can figure out the rest :lol:.
/edit/ Now, here it is! Just before Hate Crew Deathroll when the lights didn't lit Janne said: 'Hey Alppu, there is a riverboat waiting for us in the harbour if the lights won't lit soon'
Of course, this is funnier in finnish (Alppu hei, jos tänne lavalle ei rupee tulee valoja, ni jokilaiva kyllä odottaa tossa *jotain* satamassa)

I think Allu has noticed himself that they're playing a little bit sloppy and takes it with humor (I mean his own comments and everything) :).
Oh god, that was terrible. :erk: I hope their on stage monitors were to blame 'cause Hellhounds...was so sloppy. Roope wasn't the slightest big impressive either, to me.

I highly disliked this. :(
some probs with the bass, but it was good to see that Roope talks more to the mic, too bad that Alexi didnt hear what he was talking even tought he said it twice pretty clearly 'Alexi, what makes a man?' :) and i write like retard now cos im tired sry :(

E: and yeah gig was kinda sloppy (HOMT & BFH) but Blooddrunk(was it a bid faster than usual?) and ODYWC went great. Dunno maybe im just too tired to criticize :)