COB Live Rehearsal


Active Member
Jan 3, 2011
Espoo, Finland

Seems to be lots of Something Wild going on. So far The Nail and Deadnight Warrior have been played. Knowing Bodom I did not expect this to happen as they are usually so silent on the social media side. Nonetheless, this is quite awesome.
Holly shit bed of razors. I bloo me goo. I really wish they would do a world tour with this stuff as they are sounding pretty tight and it would get me to go 2 another one of their shows as last time they were pretty average along with the setlist. So I guess Freyberg is a permanent member now that it's the new year & he's still with them?
"We're gonna ask you some questions." :D

Daniel said 'Black Widow?' to Alexi when they were gonna start the second song... So if this is the selection of songs, it contains RLIME pt 2, The Nail, Bed of Razors, Towards Dead End, Black Widow.

Well, glad they believed the hype about The Nail being a good idea!

I don't like RLIME pt 2, never have, and was expecting In the Shadows. I was also expecting Wrath Within. And Talking of the Trees. And Hatebreeder. So, apart from The Nail, I was wrong. But they did say "songs that have never been played live." So technically I wasn't wrong.

Let's see, just hope for an impressive performance and good recording quality, since I probably won't be going to Helsinki, because I hate Helsinki.
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I just watch this rehearsal video over and over and just couldn't believe that it could happen..:yow: I would say "now I definitely will go to one of their concerts" BUT I'll wait until the first impressions and of course the track list.
Interesting to think how songs like this would effect the crowd in the largest venues... songs like In the Shadows and Red Light pt.2 would simply not work, as they have no groove and are all around the place, I would even say they have no atmosphere, just some hooks here and there.

The Nail should be the only song they play from Something Wild, with possibly Deadnight Warrior. They should play Talking of the Trees. Hatebreeder could've worked. Taste of My Scythe would be interesting. They now play Children of Decadence full. So that's about all I would advice from the first albums.

But I guess this is exciting and fans deserve it. I would not have condoned to it if I was their advisor, tho. The SW/HB cultists
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I missed out on this when it happened but did people really have nothing else interesting to ask other than "Come to [insert country]" :D:DD it was sorta boring to watch but yeah there were a couple good jokes in there too.