COB on X-FM 104.9!!!???

Nov 25, 2002
Surrey, England
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To all the british people here, i heard children of bodom (sixpounder) on X-FM 104.9 today at about 9-10:00pm.
I really think that sux. X-FM 104.9 is some shitty commercial so called "rock/metal radio station".
WTF are COB doing on there??? i think thats really shitty and sux! couldnt bloody believe it when i heard it.
hey, I think it's great that a band as great as COB is getting some well deserved airtime. Sure, not all metal belongs on the radio, but I don't believe COB are a totally underground act, and nor should they be. Like EagleFlyFree said, they didn't choose to have their songs played on radio, and I'm sure the Bodom guys would be pretty happy that their songs are so well received that theyre on the radio.
Well, it's a good thing since some more people can listen to COB and understand what good music is. But there are many people who listen radio and go like: if it pass at the radio, it's good. I'm not sure it's a good thing that COB been playing between an Eminem song and a whoever-pop-artist, since they are not to be compared and mistaken whit pop music.

There is a demarcation to do between pop music and good music. Most of the radio are playing crap music. We own no metal radio station in Quebec. I mean, there's kid and gay groupies listening to radio, and they will like COB it the radio animator tell 'em to do so. And this is not a good thing.

But this is might be a good thing for metal in general to show p sometime and remember the world it's still alive.
Hey, I'd love to listen to metal bands on the radio/tv. If people continue thinking that being on the radio means you're comercial then i won't be able to see any good bands there.
I discovered metal 3 years ago, because of some new friends that told me about it, lent me some records, etc. Before that i didn't know much about metal. I wish i could have seen it on tv so that i had found this music before.
yeah but X-FM is more like should i say like a "popular rock sometimes rap" radio station. whatever can be seen as slightly alternative. they play eminem on this radio station, linkin park, oasis, nothing like COB has ever been put on. NEVER! maybe korn would be on the station if you're lucky!, and lets admit they are completely shite!
if you were british and knew this radio station, you'd know why its a bad idea.
check this weeks "guide"

yeah i know cob arent exactly underground and yeah they do deserve alot of respect but this radio station will make ya puke, and im not some black metaler who feels ashamed of a band if its name is in a magazine or someone else knows it etc haha.
XFM sucks...its always advertised as the the 'alternative london' radio station but its bollocks.They used to have some metal slot at some ridiclulous time like midnithg till 2 on a sunday,dunno if they still do...surprised they played COB anyhow.
It's good that CoB is getting some fucking publicity (even though they aren't really here). Good for them!! They sure as hell deserve some badass publicity whether it be on a shitty radio station or not. Sure people will think that if CoB is on a gay nu-metal station that CoB is going to sell-out. I highly doubt that. CoB better start getting the fucking recognition here in the US that they damn well deserve.

NP: Children of Bodom - Bodom Beach Terror
Well, here in Brazil for example, all the people has the following behaviour:

Everyone spends A LIFE saying that all we have on radio / tv is shit, and our tv / radio stations never shows anything good, metal is never on tv cos they only want to show shit, ect...

But when ANYmetal banddoes some interview for some tv program, popular magazine (non metal related), or play anything in the media, the EXACT SAME people, starts to think that this band is a sellout, it's gay, it's shit, and that their music is becoming softer (even if playedwith the same punch as played live), and all this stuff...

I mean, what's that about?? The stations only plays shit because they don't play metal, but if they play metal they are shit, and the bands are shit too??