Okay, Roj, im just going to say I have no problem with you. I am also a stoner and I don't think you are lame at all. Heartless is on my MSN, and I talk to him (however rarley, just liek most UM people on my msn) but me and him argue too, so don't think I have it in for you at all....and I do think that edit was somewhat lolerific, that is a terrible picture of me taken by Silent_Scream's mom
All I'm saying is, if you don't like the thread, you can say "ghey thread", its your opinion, but thats all you need to say. If you don't like it, you don't have to participate. No need to get offended and use tons of internet slang (lol fal cuz u gh3yzor!). If you don't like somthing, fine, but others might, and if they want to be lame, then so be it, you don't have to join.
The argueing between you, Heatless, Me, and whoever is pointless. Its going to start and re-start, over and over. All that happens is
U fail
U gay
U suck *name here*'s cock
U suck *name here*'s cock
over and over.
Lets have piiece, any arguement that happens. Im sure if we all met in person we would all find each other cool, and this would not happen.
P.S. Yes, I know I'm fat, I'm well aware of it, If I really cared, I wouldn't post picutes of myself or meet with any UM people in person, but I do because I have a sence of humour. Heartless knows he can insult me about it, if I had a problem with it I would say somthing.
Oh for fucks sake man. Not only have you simply just proved to everyone on here that you're an attention seeking, elitist, god complex moron who really should consider going back to pre-school and listening to the GROW THE FUCK UP lessons.
But also you've just completely destroyed all of your previous attempts to proove that "oh no it isnt me causing the arguments, oh no of course, I'm perfect in every single way, it's all Codi's fault waaaaah waaah fucking waaah don't blame me for being a self obsessed e-whoring fuckbag. Its not my fault![]()
My comment wasn't even directed at you, you raging thundercunt. But oh no, of course EVERY COMMENT ON THIS SITE MUST BE ABOUNT THE MIGHTY TWAT WE CALL JOE! You love yourself so much I bet your girlfriend doesn't get any mirror time.
when people take the shit personally it's retarded!
I'm surprised. You decided to reply with something untypical to the usual You fail/You're gay/*insert old as fuck picture here*/I'm better than you/It's Codi's fault. Retort that we are all bored of now.
I'm too busy LOL'ing at how mad/upset you are getting over this
Mad? Just appauled. At the way you havn't changed one bit since the last time everyone told you to stfu and you said "okay I will change".
Oh for fucks sake man. Not only have you simply just proved to everyone on here that you're an attention seeking, elitist, god complex moron who really should consider going back to pre-school and listening to the GROW THE FUCK UP lessons.
But also you've just completely destroyed all of your previous attempts to proove that "oh no it isnt me causing the arguments, oh no of course, I'm perfect in every single way, it's all Codi's fault waaaaah waaah fucking waaah don't blame me for being a self obsessed e-whoring fuckbag. Its not my fault![]()
My comment wasn't even directed at you, you raging thundercunt. But oh no, of course EVERY COMMENT ON THIS SITE MUST BE ABOUNT THE MIGHTY TWAT WE CALL JOE! You love yourself so much I bet your girlfriend doesn't get any mirror time.
I'm surprised. You decided to reply with something untypical to the usual You fail/You're gay/*insert old as fuck picture here*/I'm better than you/It's Codi's fault. Retort that we are all bored of now.
Mad? Just appauled. At the way you havn't changed one bit since the last time everyone told you to stfu and you said "okay I will change". You're worse than emptifier.
You're pathetic, seeing pathetic people causes pity, and if they are pathetic enough, sympathy. But you don't deserver either. Therefore, just appauled.
Why don't you practice what every single member of this forum wants you to do? And Codi aswell.
The funny thing is, you still think you're superior. But the fact that every single thread gets ruined by you and Codi, and you don't have the balls to admit that you're fucking things up, means you have no reason at all to think that you are somehow "better" than other people. No wonder everyone moved to Battleheart.
1: I'm not 15 you damned douche. I made a fucking birthday thread not long ago if that doesn't make things even more obvious.
2: It is not "a little arguing here and there" This has happened so many times now you would expect either you or Codi to have got a clue.
3: If you hate Codi so much, why are you pretty much exactly like him but with better grammar?