COB-OT: 2007 All-star Line-Up

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Hmm.. when did gonzo ask to be added to this ghey list? i dont see it anywhere.
Stop trying to cause fights, we know you don't want to be apart of this, thats the end of it. If Gonzo doesn't want to participate, he can ask to be removed. No need to be a dick about it.
No, they are not two seperate entities but in fact one creature with two bodies and the same mind. They always have to stick together. If someone says something about one of then, the other will come.

Dude stop trying to be gandhi and post another meatspin link so i dont have to see your whining posts anymore.
LOL im not in :lol:
Now you are!
@heartless: get me removed out of that ghey list please. thanks.
:rolleyes: Fine dude, if you want to follow Codi then be that way.

Not even epic fail guy can describe the failingness of this post.

I'm not doing shit, to be fair I could be arguing a lot more, I'm just being passive. He already cried his little eyes out about not being on the list, then cried for Gonzo too, so I don't know what he's still doing here.

IGNORE WHAT HE SAY IF YEH DON'T LIKE HIM. You know he's gonna reply and that you'll too. Nobody here like that, it's unpleasant. Please?
yeh but you're cool :cool: if you want I'l switch you, all gonna be on the same collage anyways, just old school will be together on one part, and trollstogether on another.
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