COB Pics


The reason why our Allu seems discombobulated is cause of the obvious almost boob slip going on next to him. :]
I hate ppl like that. Shallow twunts*. Okay now, i have to say that I do find Allu to be a very interesting, charismatic, cute and very attractive guy. Okay, I do have a crush on him. But still, i won't be some retarded GROUPIE. I'm not Lady L., I'm realistic: Should i meet Alexi (met him before, but just briefly) and really get to talk to him and know him somewhat, I'd want him to remember me as a girl who drinks and paints, not a girl who screws rock stars. Okay, I'm rambling.
*Twunt is a word I have from Is a mix of twat and cunt, and describes a stupid, annoying, nasty person.