COB Pics

Nikkie, this is a great pic..very cute

and did you say that santa hat alexi is wearing is yours? did you make them all santa hats? i thought i read that somewhere on another thread. anyway, great pics :)
Nikkie, this is a great pic..very cute

and did you say that santa hat alexi is wearing is yours? did you make them all santa hats? i thought i read that somewhere on another thread. anyway, great pics :)

Thanks:) Yup,but I didn't get the chance to give Henkka,Janne and Jaska their hats,but I will at the 930 show.
I love that "crack" scene as well, my friend and I are doing it everytime in school!
The same goes with "Out Of Control-Kiss My Ass!"
Thanks Roope!
Love the pictures with the santa hats.They're pretty cool!
that would be awesome to give them hats. ^_^ i think the hats are very cute. you should make me one and mail it to me, lol. my name is Tammy. get started! kidding dear. is roope nice and huggable? lmfao..that was ghey...>.>
^Hey, Nikkie... thank you, really cool pics! And nice Santa's hats, yours was really a sweet deed... :)

And Mystique1721 is right, cause this pic is really sweet too...