COB Pics


PolitHeitBrider: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, O.....M.......F.......G!!!!! Alexi's fucking gorgeous on that first one. Who says he can't do pantene commercials!? That already looks like one. That's the best one of him yet. I'm getting horny. Hhehehehe......

Jarven Tyto: The second one is soooo damn sexy. Thx for the pics.

Yes, i'v never seen such gorgeous pics in a loooonnng time. Keep them coming.....
here's the copybook with signs of Exsecratus and Petri Lindroos & Markus from Ensiferum))))

".. if Allu knows..."- said Petri and shut up.


Everybody enjoyed this copybook, especially Jussi ja Olli

Here is Jaska's brother on the left))) ja Olli on the right.

