COB Pics

Haha, maybe their Bodom -themed song will this time start with water steaming on the sauna rocks and is titled Bodom Pyjama Party.. :loco:
^ Dude, in 1 of my posts I said ''cobs myspace'' so what profile do you think it is? also you need to be logged in to see the pics on myspace.
And I think LoveJanne ment, go to cobhc site and keep checking the news :lol: eventually there will be an update, just be patience.
Recording for the Guitar Heroes album...





No Roope pictures. :erk:
Hang on.. did alexi cut his hair or is it just tied back?? That last pic is so cute regardless
Anyone know what song is going on the guitar heroes album or is he making up something especially for it?

edit: Yep its cut,Im blind. Its a good look though..cant ever remember seing it that length before.
Hang on.. did alexi cut his hair or is it just tied back?? That last pic is so cute regardless
Anyone know what song is going on the guitar heroes album or is he making up something especially for it?

edit: Yep its cut,Im blind. Its a good look though..cant ever remember seing it that length before.

To me, it looks like the same length he had a month a go (maybe just an itsy shorter), but tied back in a pony tail..