COB Pics


I know it's stupid but: OMG, THE BEARD AGAIN!!! :OMG: The pic is from the studio album, so it's pretty up-to-date. :erk: At least it's not as bad as it used to be since it is not that full, but still... :erk:
Alexi has a similar sticker on his main guitar; "The Reaper's Scythe"

And they got cake and coffee... Maybe they're celebrating that Roope has got a new thootbrush:lol:
Well we all have our soft side, dont we? So give him some mercy :) You know, we have a hell of lot cows here in finland so its normal to drink milk. And he has to drink something else than just beer and whisky :p
...white russians?

or the new drink I invented some time ago: Meer!
it's Milk and Beer. lots of variations! coke-meer, coco-meer, meer+energy...
the possibilities are infinite!

(I haven't tried any of those, and I don't recommend any of you doing so)
You know, we have a hell of lot cows here in finland so its normal to drink milk.

For some reason (maybe the lack of sleep over the recent weekend o_O) that line just made me LOL :lol: and \m/Necronium\m/ that 'Meer' drink you invented sounds vile..but i'll no doubt try it knowing how stupid i get drunk.:loco:

Couple of pics i found HERE


...white russians?

or the new drink I invented some time ago: Meer!
it's Milk and Beer. lots of variations! coke-meer, coco-meer, meer+energy...
the possibilities are infinite!

(I haven't tried any of those, and I don't recommend any of you doing so)

This coco-meer you speak of sounds very...interesting.
I actually once tried a combination of chocolate milk and Kriek (cherry beer), it really wasn't that bad, but I don't recommend it to people with a weak stomach :erk:

@hannah_d: cool pics :)
Sorry Necronium, but 'meer' sounds gross. I like beer though! And yeah, so if Allu likes milk and White Russians, then so be it!:) I'd love to share a bottle of wine with him though. And he looks kinda cute with that little beard, all concentrated, playing his guitar.