COB Pics

And my favourites:

Did he ever do this with his Jacksons? I don't remember a time that I've seen him do it except with the ESP's.

Don't think so, back when he was using his jacksons he was more focused on playing well than looking cool I think.
so which one is better for DGCFAD at the moment i have my springs positioned like the sawtooth one
EDIT: iwas watching some videos and i saw that lately alexi has been using his scythe one for drop c (that interview with "end of fuckin story"). so how recent are these pics.
jhonna: awwwwww, he's adorable as usual!!! I can almost feel his presence near me. OMG, he's giving me a heart attack.

If you're reading this allu, which you won't but in case you do, omg, baby, i can't fucking wait to see you in person! Ah, we'll be lovers!!!!:p