COB Pics

I feel sorry to interrupt this great sequence of Laiho and his hats (thanks sleeper and Miia BTW), but I though Henkka and Roope deserved a place with this pic of them, don't they?

Maybe it's just because I'm obsessed with Roope's RRs or maybe it's because Roope's left hand awkward position made me laugh, but anyway, there it goes :lol:

^That is from Finnish magazine that made cheap guitar and amp package review. There was Alexi, Roope and bunch of other Finnish (non-metal) guitarist testing different packages.

@children of COB: there is always a guitar player that comes and inserts something in the middle of our fangirly photo streams :lol: Nice picture btw, I don't remember seeing it before.
No problem, there are a couple more on my MySpace profile in the CoBs day off album.


The story...well, we were sitting inside a pub in Perth drinking and Roope went to get another drink.
We look over and think "Uh-oh..." when we see him chatting to this guy holding a motorbike helmet and then following him outside. Me and Alexi walk out to find out what's going on and then Alexi spots this guys motorbike and spends the next fifteen minutes with Roope talking to the guy about his bike.

Turned out he was a CoB fan and was more than happy to give Alexi and Roope both rides on the bike.
Apparently he was doing high speed wheelies for entire lengths of streets, hah. Alexi seemed quite happy [possible slight understatement] about it all.
@children of COB: there is always a guitar player that comes and inserts something in the middle of our fangirly photo streams :lol: Nice picture btw, I don't remember seeing it before.

:lol: I'm sorry, but the picture was nice so I thought I'd contribute for one time to this thread :lol: I liked the hat thing though, they are cool and different, and also I pretty much right click and save all pictures posted :lol:

Sampy Arctica™;7399438 said:

Thanks a lot!

^wow, alexi didn't wear his bracelets...I just saw him once or twice without them...:confused:

Yep, weird to see him without them. I reckon he needs more place for his tatoos :lol:

Alexi's wearing a GNR t-shirt.