COB Pics

Where can I get a coat like Roope's in this pic?:


You fucking rock dude! Thanks :kickass:

IMG from valkokukka:

Did he tape over Jackson logo to keep ESP happy??

Edit: If that guitar feels like RR24 it must be the best in the world!

He taped it mostly because he was pissed with Jackson because he had done so much promoting for them for so many years for free and they treated him like an average everyday guitarplayer when he asked them to make his guitars in order to be able to do his fucking job, so he didn't want to promote them anymore. It's kinda stupid because any normal guitarplayer knows from the shape that it's a Jackson RR, but you know, Alexi wasn't happy with them :lol:
He taped it mostly because he was pissed with Jackson because he had done so much promoting for them for so many years for free and they treated him like an average everyday guitarplayer when he asked them to make his guitars in order to be able to do his fucking job, so he didn't want to promote them anymore. It's kinda stupid because any normal guitarplayer knows from the shape that it's a Jackson RR, but you know, Alexi wasn't happy with them :lol:


Also, considering it's a Custom Shop, it would feel several times better than a RR24. Which are good guitars, but comparatively pretty mediocre.
I think This is what you are looking for [ame][/ame]
and [ame][/ame] and [ame][/ame]
This is a part with that girl and Allu
to cob fans;
i am making a fan book for our fans and me to children of bodom
if u like to say nething to bodom just replay back to me and ill put u in the book
u can also give me pictures if u met any of the band members..
pass this along!