COB Pics

Alexi: ~170cm
Henkka & Jaska: ~180+cm

Havent met Janne or Roope (well, I have, but they sat down so I cant tell... xD) but I should guess Roope is about 176 and Janne ~178.

And yes, these are all just guessings. Af course I cant know their exact length since I havent asked them.

That sounds about right.

I'm just under 180cm, and Roope was a bit shorter than me, and Janne was just about my height. Jaska and Henkka were slightly taller.







^Awesome pic Mitch! Where did you take it from?

the first one is from Kerrang and the other from Inferno (Finnish magazine)

Thanks! Anything interesting in Kerrang or just normal live review?

Have fun! :)

Veeery good pics.

PS: Alexi´s guitars are pretty STRANGE, like from ABBA. :lol: Muhaha....:heh:

Strange? In what sense? I mean, they're pretty standard offset V :lol: Ok, pinl may be kinda weird on metal, but otherwise what's weird about them?
@ Warheart: great shot, thanks! Where's it from?

@ children of COB: the Kerrang thing was just a fairly uninteresting review of the Forum gig - the reviewer didn't even
know why the show had had to end suddenly, suggesting that either the PA malfunctioned or the band may have
taken objection to something :erk:
@ children of COB: the Kerrang thing was just a fairly uninteresting review of the Forum gig - the reviewer didn't even
know why the show had had to end suddenly, suggesting that either the PA malfunctioned or the band may have
taken objection to something :erk:

Some fucking dumb ass threw a beer off the balcony and it landed dead center of our mixing desk. Completely killed it. We actually had to get a new one for the rest of the tour.

That sucks, and must have been a bitch to replace.

And as for the Kerrang thing, I hate it when professionals are anything but, and don't even do their job in finding out the details of the event they're supposed to have covered.