COB Pics


bodom beach terror D



ESP Rulez! yeaow!

Hey folks!
As I am quite sure that a few photographers are in this thread I wanted to ask for an advice for buying a digital reflex cam...If anyone here uses such cams I'd be glad about some feedback/advices etc :).
The price should be around 600-750€(with one objective).
I thought about Nikon D5000 already...
How could i find Fallen t-shirt " rise with the fallen " like Alexi has? I think that it's so cool that I have to get one!
^ I think it was actually the September 2009 issue - I posted it in the Interviews thread at the time

Okay, thanks. :)
I guess it really doesn't matter anyways, as I won't be getting my hands on it. Strange that I missed it, as I usually check out a few different magazines on a monthly basis to see if there's anything interesting inside.