COB Pics

Alexi got a lot older, Janne got a lot thinner and it's very weird to see them without Roope. The times they are a-changin
The band looks younger without Roope, like they have more lifespan left. It's weird not to see that guitar and beard up there. Just bring on the new material!
I hope so too. Someone has to tell him, that that hat doesn't fit him very well. Maybe he has to go to a style adviser. His commercial hip hop/amercian/gangsta style looks terrible.
Agreed, the hiphop/america-theme worked all right when he was in his mid 20's but even then it was no hit. The metal look is so much cooler, and since he is a metalmusician... Well, he can dress however he want but the fedora is ugly and the clothes of choice the last 12 years too.

Edit: Jackson guitars look way better too!
I'm fed up with hat Alexi live. Set list of the Swedish show.

Sadly they just play the same songs over and over again... They have too many great songs that have never been played live.

EDIT: And yeah... I am not a fan of that fedora shit either.. :D
I think they're now focused on nailing down 9 new songs, so it's natural they play the songs which are in the muscle memory. But yeah, they've got too self-repetitive. I don't believe they should play all the most "famous" songs always. Playing rare songs is more sexy and mysterious. Throw in Hatebreeder, Warheart, Taste of My Scythe, Northern Comfort, Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood, Chokehold, Knuckleduster, Punch Me I Bleed, Roadkill Morning, Cry of the Nihilist. Shut up and do it and rock on. Oh, I forgot, add Talking of the Trees to that as the last song (why not, since they did the Ramons cover). I'd like to see the crowd responses if these were circulated. Or maybe we're just too hardcore.
I hope so too. Someone has to tell him, that that hat doesn't fit him very well. Maybe he has to go to a style adviser. His commercial hip hop/amercian/gangsta style looks terrible.

It really does, I do not understand it... In my opinion, he looks much better without the makeup / hats