COB Pics

Damn, what's he been up to?
He works as a guitar teacher at Tauko Espoo. I used to be his student.

EDIT: Looking at their website it seems Ale has left Tauko. Haven't been there since last spring due to the army and now since Christmas, work, so I'm not quite up to date on what's going on.
He works as a guitar teacher at Tauko Espoo. I used to be his student.

EDIT: Looking at their website it seems Ale has left Tauko. Haven't been there since last spring due to the army and now since Christmas, work, so I'm not quite up to date on what's going on.
Must had been a real WOW moment when you took your first lesson with him :p Did he told something about the COB era, or did u ask him about that? Or at that time you were just a little puppy and you didn't even know what's metal? :D

Btw, It would be awesome if they invite him to this nostalgia tour as a guest performer :)
Must had been a real WOW moment when you took your first lesson with him :p Did he told something about the COB era, or did u ask him about that? Or at that time you were just a little puppy and you didn't even know what's metal? :D

Btw, It would be awesome if they invite him to this nostalgia tour as a guest performer :)
I knew who would be teaching the class well ahead of attending it. Luckily I wasn't the only one in the class as I was, at first at least, far too afraid of him to really talk unless talked to. During the year that I was his student I did eventually come to know him more as "my guitar teacher" than "rhythm guitarist of COB" and thus realized that talking would not actually kill me :D. He didn't really talk about COB though he did play a few riffs and melodies (We would have played the TDE intro melody but one of us had only 22 frets making it impossible and I remember him playing the HCDR pre-chorus and saying that it is a great riff though we never played it as a class (Drop tuning perhaps? Can't remember)).
Fucking hell, he looks 60. Didn't even recognize the bloke. Nice to know he still gets some pussy.
Hey guys
I was wondering if anybody would be able to help me find a decent shot of alexi wearing his CTRL shirt if anybody knows what I mean?
Or the year/gig he was wearing it? I have a hunch it must have been around 2006
Thanks in advance
A new hairstyle Henkka
So he's the first one to let go. This is unacceptable for a metal band. The long hair signals dedication for the art. Now he's a normal guy. Maybe he'll get tired of the whole rockstardom and become a teacher. Wonder if we'll ever see Alexi with short hair. If that day comes I'll burn all my COB material. It sucks how everything in the world becomes worse since 2000. Every change has been for the worse, except youtube. Fuck this modernization... even successful metal bands stop liking themselves, it's a sad day on Earth... Well, makes me feel better for being a short-haired metal dude.
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Well if you have pretty much the same haircut for 20 years you might wanna change it a little. Hair grows back :D Still a little shock I wasn't expecting that.