COB Pics

Janne is gonna be bald in 5 years. And Alexi needs to go to the gym lol. Roope's chops are awesome.
yeah, you have reason...Alexi is great.. but when I have seen he I was shocked for his stature and and for his weight....accepted my apology for this mine imperfect english!!
But in any case...How much is high Janne!?!??! I know.... I have broken the balls....
Vendetta said:
yeah, you have reason...Alexi is great.. but when I have seen he I was shocked for his stature and and for his weight....accepted my apology for this mine imperfect english!!
But in any case...How much is high Janne!?!??! I know.... I have broken the balls....
I forgive you your imperfect English, but you kinda asked there how much Janne costs when he's on drugs :D
jhonnah said:
Is he really 190cm tall? I thought he is 180cm or something, because if Alexi is something around 170cm... Janne doesn't look that tall. And Henkka and Jaska are taller than Janne, right?

Idk,I always thought that Henkka and Janne were almost the same height. And Jaska's taller than I thought. but then again, all the guys tower over me
\m/NikkiePhillie\m/ said:
Idk,I always thought that Henkka and Janne were almost the same height. And Jaska's taller than I thought. but then again, all the guys tower over me
i would tell u how tall they were but when i met them they were sitting down
Xeik said:
:lol: How come everybody is so interested in their height? It comes up on nearly every thread...
the only reason everyone is so worried about their height is cause ppl have no life nd cant talk to ppl like regular humans so they got to start a convo about somethin stupid so they can talk to everyone.
schmidy515 said:
the only reason everyone is so worried about their height is cause ppl have no life nd cant talk to ppl like regular humans so they got to start a convo about somethin stupid so they can talk to everyone.

So fuckin true.:puke:
maybe cuz they haven´t seen them in real life, only in photos.
so they want to know how much taller those guys are than they.

or something like that. just try understand. it´s no big deal.
Why people have to be so stupid... you listen to COB just because you're interested in them or because you're interested in they're music?