COB Pics

Time to bring back a CLASSIC...

I took this two pics after the show in milan in january... I didn't take pics during the show, I was too buzy surviving ^^"
I also have my pics with them, but I'll keep them well hidden from the world... I don't want you all to have nightmeares forever XD

I don't have pics of the others, they were too surrounded by people expecially alexi, I dunno how he did survive!!!
You should post the others, just rub out your face with paint or something if you don't want everyone to see, the pics have good quality.
I'm not sure if these were already posted. I've been scanning through the pages.




"Yeah, I'm a badass, and I play keyboards. I do both well."

oceanqueen44 said:

those are the only 2 like that. I couldn't find anymore from either of those "sessions"...

Hey how about that, I used to live not too far from the Brandenburger Gate. =]