COB Pics

Lanterns said:

What's Allu doing there?
My guess: picking/scratching his nose.
V. Bornebusch said:
I knew somebody would say that!! Well, actually, I thought somebody would say "who THE FUCK cares", but close enough... This forum is becoming kinda predictable.:Smug:

Oh wait, it already is!!:rolleyes::erk:
Yeah I know, but seriously..why does anyone cares what alexi is doing on that pic? don`t you have better things to worry about? like world peace and like that ppl don`t have food and such things
-Merrild- said:
Yeah I know, but seriously..why does anyone cares what alexi is doing on that pic? don`t you have better things to worry about? like world peace and like that ppl don`t have food and such things
Yeah, let's all start to think what can we do to make this world better place to live... Because hey, we are the right place for it, ULTIMATE METAL FORUM! UM = UN, right?

Come on, cheer up, will ya'!:erk: