COB Pics

pahahenki said:
Yea, I know, there's just something 'bout this one picture.

"Fuck sake, all I wanted was to get to the damn pub and get pissed but instead I got held up by these wanting a photo"

...I'm guessing.
He has boots on in a lot of pics. I had boots on,he had boots on,he towers over me,but when I had boots on and he had sneakers on once,we were nearly the same size. I'm 5 foot. So I'm guessing anywhere between 5 foot and 5'4".

you Euros can convert that,right?:)
<-Warheart-> said:
It doesn't look very fun in that place. Looked like there was hardly anyone there and they did no lighting.

You're right, there was hardly anyone there. They had lights going, but it was so bright out that you couldn't really see htem until late. I didn't really get dark until the Slayer set started.
Rock Hydra said:
You're right, there was hardly anyone there. They had lights going, but it was so bright out that you couldn't really see htem until late. I didn't really get dark until the Slayer set started.

There were lots of people there, they just weren't on the floor... most of them were either in seats or, of course, getting drunk. :p
<<Dunkelheit>> said:
There were lots of people there, they just weren't on the floor... most of them were either in seats or, of course, getting drunk. :p

sure, there were lots, but the place was like 2/3 capacity

It was also a big "WTF" when I saw Randy with a buzz cut.
nice pics guys
check tis one out