COB Pics

So, here are some more random pics I've found...

I would like to know how drunk they were on this one...

Two cute Alexi/Henkka piccies:


Here's to the Roope-maniacs among us:

I would like to know what they're saying in this pic. Jaska looks like he's going to explode...

Looks like Men In Black:

One of the cutest and dorkiest Janne pics:

Just to save lazy people like me from clicking the links :)

great pics btw!
Aww, Janne looks cute in the last pic...and weird too :lol:

The second pic from Henkka and Alexi, Henkka is taller and he doesn't even stand straight. Go Alexi go, I'm a short one too :D
For fuck's sake people, you do have some kind of a conspiracy thing against me, don't you? Admit it, you are trying to kill me! O_____O Some of those pics... Just... Ok I'll shut up now and drown in my drool.
For fuck's sake people, you do have some kind of a conspiracy thing against me, don't you? Admit it, you are trying to kill me! O_____O Some of those pics... Just... Ok I'll shut up now and drown in my drool.

I would like to know why are they trying to kill you and how exactly could they kill you with pictures of Janne? I`m bit curious so,please, don`t get mad at me