CoB Tattoo's...?


Oct 7, 2002
Ghent, Belgium
Well, I was wondering if anybody here had a CoB tattoo... or wants a CoB tattoo...

Someone? Or maybe wanting one?? How would it look then...?

I saw people with, by example, an Opeth 'O' tattooed, or the f**** ugly Rammstein logo,... (and even once someone with "SATAN" on his forehead... but that is no band, and oftopic... ;) )
If I was 16 i wouldent have gotten a tatoo... because i saw my brother go from metal to R&B by the time he was my age..... im 22 now (well will be in december) and I am just getting more and more into metal.... so hahaha i dont think that will ever change :)

and cob has been my favorite since i was 17 years old.... back in 97 when i first discovered them they hadent even gotten a deal with NB yet.... My friend JP Perela in Finland told me about them and sent me a cd.... i was hooked from that point on :)
Originally posted by bodomite
If I was 16 i wouldent have gotten a tatoo... because i saw my brother go from metal to R&B by the time he was my age..... im 22 now (well will be in december) and I am just getting more and more into metal.... so hahaha i dont think that will ever change :)
My brother did that :mad: except he strayed into the world of Dance :rolleyes: which sucks... I have to thank him for getting me into metal in the first place though :D maybe i can turn him back... yes.... what a plan :err: :heh:

On topic of tattoos I don't think i'd get a band name, because you never know when you will go off them... I wanna tattoo of the mad 'S' thing that Slipknot :)o thats a nono band) use, with a big sword infront of it, with my girlfriends name on the sword handle... its not for the band its because of my surname... ithink it'd look cool.... and the only other tattoo i'd get is a Liverpool FC badge cuz theyre for life :heh:
Originally posted by bodomite
My friend JP Perela in Finland told me about them and sent me a cd.... i was hooked from that point on :)


I don't know exactly when this happened, but I think it's about the same time when I discovered them (we had some discussions about the band with JP at that time, and they really had us both hooked in their music). I discovered them in fall 1997, when I bought a compilation album with "Deadnight Warrior" on it. After that I bought another compilation album with "Children of Bodom" on it, and shortly after that it was time for my first CoB gig. They had Nightwish as a warm-up band. But as you might guess, CoB was "the thing" for that evening, and about a week after that I bought "Something Wild". And so the story goes on....
Well, not so much lately, since I'm in the army now and I really don't have a clue about what he's up to nowadays. I guess he is studying or something.. But, I guess he is at least once a week at their band's rehearsal "room", so I could hook him up there or something. Haven't tried his mobile phone, but he doesn't answer that often anyways.. =)