COB Wacken 2014 Livestream

Hopefully they have some better sound technicians for the audio recording this time around.
It was pretty awesome

Needled 24/7
Kissing the Shadows
Bodom Beach Terror
Halo of Blood
Scream for Silence
Lake Bodom
Angels don't Kill
Towards Dead End
Hate Me
Bodom After Midnight
In Your Face
Setlist was cool, but the guitars were barely audible... and Janne was extremely loud :S His vocals were good I thought. First few songs especially were just mush.
you forgot the Black Diamond-bit ;)
Yeah was pretty cool, didn't expect them to play that many classics, and especially Alexi and Janne seem to be in good shape playing-wise atm. Must say it made me want to see them live again, didn't have that feeling for at least two years^^

yeah was not the best mix, I had to readjust my speakers to hear at least something besides drums and keys.
you forgot the Black Diamond-bit ;)
Yeah was pretty cool, didn't expect them to play that many classics, and especially Alexi and Janne seem to be in good shape playing-wise atm. Must say it made me want to see them live again, didn't have that feeling for at least two years^^

yeah was not the best mix, I had to readjust my speakers to hear at least something besides drums and keys.

Yeah, the not drinking thing is definitely better for Alexi...

Janne replying to Alexi asking him to play something before Downfall "it's so hard, they're all white" :lol:
Two first songs were totally bad when it comes to mixing. Playing was really good! From then on the guitars got higher in the mix and it sounded good, not great, but at least better than last years plastic sound. Playing wise really fluent due to no drinking on or before shows.
wasn't it only on the LTD Version? You can also see that he has 4 Silver and 2 Gold guitar tuners, seems the guitar was on a fast repair.
Dammit, I'm going to my friend's birthday celebration on that Saturday night. Please somebody record this!

Woops I totally misread the thread title! I was talking about Bloodstock's live stream which is on Saturday haha.

I watched COB's set at Wacken online earlier, I was impressed with the choice of songs and relieved there were no Relentless Reckless Forever songs played. But yeah wtf was with the first lot? I'm glad it got better though.