Also, whose bright idea was it to cover the site in mustard?
Thank you. Snort my frehsly eaten kiwi over my new MBP after I read this.
Also, whose bright idea was it to cover the site in mustard?
That is because you're 5 years old, and a repressed british cunt. Don't worry, I am too. But also FrenchI still <3 you though.
I stopped coming here, because I started going to GMD and slowly realized all that shitty extreme power metal/"melodeath"/folk metal I used to listen to was absolute horseshit.
Tbh COBOT is better off like this. Dormant and dead.Holy fuck what happened to this place
What a timing.. Just considered a comeback after 3 yrs gone from the "scene". Was expecting the forum to fluorish and so on, but seems to been proven totally wrong on this one. How sad.
Cheers, yours truly Fridgepack