Dick Sirloin

please... stay safe
Jan 6, 2004
Why have I always suspected that these guys sound like THE MARS VOLTA? Have any of you heard the Part IV thing or whatever?
markgugs said:
From what I've heard, they're not terrible, not great. Depends how much screamo you want mish-mashed in with your Rush-influence hard prog rock.

So they ARE like TMV?
Yeah they're pretty grating and tedious (and that's saying a lot coming from a prog fan).
i keep wanting to check them out but the whole "emo" tag keeps me at bay.

i love The Mars Volta but when i'm in the mood for that stuff but not them, i listen to 70's prog since that's basically what those dudes are.
I've noticed a bigger and bigger following growing for these guys, and lately have started noticing the "prog" tag brandied about; was beginning to get curious. Thanks to y'all, I will keep steering clear.
Dick Sirloin said:
Description plz
fortunately i haven't heard them for a while, and then only briefly, so i can't really give you a good description...i actually bought an album blind a few years ago, having heard "ohh it's so proggy and good" and feeling especially gullible, and hated it immediately. emo-prog with an emphasis on "emo" and the prog phoned in, as i recall.