Colbert running for President...

Yeah, and maybe they'll simultaneously elect all his script writers. We can have an eleven man president!
One of his writers said:

(So, what’s it like working for Stephen Colbert?)
"It’s great, I mean I really love the job and I really like working with everyone there. It’s like a regime of niceness from the top down. I think the stereotype for late night comedy shows is a competitive atmosphere, but I personally feel like it’s a very supportive, collaborative and positive atmosphere. That comes from Stephen all the way down. It’s pretty great. He’s a really nice guy. He’s nothing like his character."
My statement was based on Larry King Live the other night where he broke out of character a few times and discussed the dual nature of Colbert.
What a jackass, this is so obviously a joke, all he is going to do is suck votes away from Nader... What a parasite...
Haha dude, as if Nader ever will have a chance before he dies. Come on. Colbert would actually have a chance if it were 100% serious.
I'm ready!!

Haha dude, as if Nader ever will have a chance before he dies. Come on. Colbert would actually have a chance if it were 100% serious.

Yeah, I was joking. I agree Nader is some kind of extreme masochist, it's the only way to explain why he keeps running. Or maybe he hopes to win by the fault one of these times.