
lol they arent bad as background music, i found the first few albums to all sound the same, and then X&Y was pretty cool, it grew on me, new one sucks cock though name is|55555| and i am a true metalhead and also i am a very evil boy...also i believe in satan!hail satan! metal for ever yeah!


<3 coldplay(really good music):worship:

I don't listen exclusivly to metal. I just don't listen to garbage. Also lol @ satamism.
i dont like em.
when i heard yellow i nearly cried. i was like are you for real.
my face would have had the expression of a flash bang victim.
Comon kids, can't we all be friends?

demon: Yellow is a well written and beautiful song,
i can't really see where you're coming from,
unless you hate all mellow simple structured songwriting music.
Chris wrote it when his mother died,
perhaps the point is to cry to this song.
I like Coldplay. Viva La Vida is too happy for me mostly, but they have a good amount of interesting songs on their older records. They really deserve their status I think.

The problem with Viva La Vida is while, on previous efforts, they could pass as Radiohead emulators or U2 wannabes... and pull off something original and interesting. With Viva, they've finally mastered it. They've become just another band in a sea of another bands that sound like... other bands. Forgetable music, overambitious concept and piss poor production on half the tracks. Fame has destroyed Coldplay by granting them the validation they've been experimenting so interestingly to achieve.
I don't think they tried to be like anyone, that you think that is your personal perspective, i just heard a well written and catchy album.
And coldplay explained that they haven't been proud of the previous albums, that they have a few nice tracks here and there,
but that they are unworthy of their fame. This time since they couldn't get bigger, they wanted to get better, and i do agree with them that this time there is a direction and it's more solid as a whole than previous albums. But still i respect your opinion, it's yours, mine is mine.
I like! Yes they are very mainstream and overplayed but they are excellent song writers. My favorite album is Viva and second would be Rush... X&Y was the overly positive one for me. But yeah I really admire Chris Martin and his song writing talent.
They have a new album coming out next week... well its 9 tracks I think and its songs that were left out from Viva. Heard some clips and it sounds great. Theres a version of the song Lost which features Jay-Z and I would never think the day would come where I like JayZ but that song is good.
The problem with Viva La Vida is while, on previous efforts, they could pass as Radiohead emulators or U2 wannabes... and pull off something original and interesting. With Viva, they've finally mastered it. They've become just another band in a sea of another bands that sound like... other bands. Forgetable music, overambitious concept and piss poor production on half the tracks. Fame has destroyed Coldplay by granting them the validation they've been experimenting so interestingly to achieve.

Well said, and comprehensive for one paragraph. No fluff. However, I do like "Parachute" and will probably be the only album I'll own from this band.:kickass: