
They are ok. Insanely overrated band. As far as alt rock goes they are ok, not the pinnacle as many seem to believe.

It should be oceansize getting all the attention, not coldplay.

Or even bands like Magenta Skycode, or Mew. Coldplay are okay but definately overated. They succeed do to their catchiness i guess, and luck with marketting.
lol i'd honestly take the coldplay over the satriani. and i bet it's a coincidence/it's stupid to sue.
I heard about this on the radio yesterday. This was no coincidence, it's a blatent rip-off. I mean, it's not only the exact same melody, but (as Don Corleone pointed out, it's in the exact same key. AND same time signature to boot).

Having said that, I do like some of their earlier songs. I don't have any of their albums but have a few of their songs on my i-tunes. Good, solid, well crafted pop songs (as long as they are not ripping them off from someone else that is).
it's not a ripoff you moron. why the FUCK would coldplay rip off satriani? they aren't in the same key, they changed the pitch for that mashup. it's not like it's some stunningly original chord progression. it just happens to be that viva la vida's melody sounds very similar to a small portion of satriani's solo.

and they're in the same time signature? no shit. they're both in 4/4, just like 99% of rock/pop music. that's pretty irrelevant.
Coldplay's Parachutes is a great album. Everything else is meh. With the exception of Viva la Vida, which blows hard.
Coldplay's response:

With the greatest possible respect to Joe Satriani, we have now unfortunately found it necessary to respond publicly to his allegations. If there are any similarities between our two pieces of music, they are entirely coincidental, and just as surprising to us as to him. Joe Satriani is a great musician, but he did not write or have any influence on the song Viva La Vida. We respectfully ask him to accept our assurances of this and wish him well with all future endeavours. Coldplay.
why would a successful popular band intentionally rip off a guy who writes terrible masturbation music
haha, satriani is being such a pussy about this: "it hurt so bad, it felt like a dagger through my heart... it's piece of art i have created, everybody should feel this way!!!!!!111"... :D:D
When you think about it, what are 4 chords or something and a melody over it, with simple structured music like this coincidences do occur.
And coldplay stated that it was as big of a surprise to them as it was to satriani.
Reading about this made me curious: what does copyright law actually say about this? I'm pretty sure there are strict limitations on how much of a song you can 'steal', iirc you can only have a few matching notes before it is considered infringement.... does Satriani have the law on his side?

Not that I care who wins this one. They both have written a lot of bad music so to STEAL a tagline from the Aliens vs. Predator movie: "WHOEVER WINS, WE LOSE"