Colin Davis guitar recording tutorial vid...

I thought the vid was OK, but if you are putting a video out there with no disclaimer as to it being a matter of opinion and then mis-labeling what stuff is, how can you take it seriously? Calling a dustcap a "cone" and the speaker cone "the paper"? Saying a Dimarzio Evolution is the go to pickup? How does this help a noob who is trying to actually learn?

About 99.99% of the time when someone is trying to "teach" someone by stating their version of the "facts", it's an instant turn off for me - and a big red flag. Maybe that's why the video got the reactions it did. I can respect a dude for his place in the scene or whatever, but there is a line where misinformations take precedence over blind respect.

I'll be the first to admit that I don't always know terminology when it comes to things I'm not real familiar with, but damn, c'mon. I ain't makin' vids on how to do it my way, either. I'd have said nothing except thank you if the video was just this dude saying "Here's what works for me. Try it out, maybe it will for you, too."
Watching this video I found myself learning lots of useful stuff. However, when I heard the tunes I couldn’t believe how average they sounded. You can’t beat a good ear and I’d hold that higher than any technical know how.
I will just say - One thing I bring up a lot when it comes to interaction between my father and I, is that it's not how long you have been doing it, but what you have done in that time.

Nobody, and I mean nobody...not even Mr. Sneap can say for a fact that any one particular thing is better than all. This Colin dude is sitting here saying the Evo is great...I'm sure it is...but my experience so far has shown me that everybody that has worked with me and had an Evo was lacking a LOT of things in their guitar sound. But that's just my experience. So far I think only 2 or 3 people that I have recorded had an Evo in their guitar, but still, out of all the people that have had one and I have worked with, it sounded like donkey balls. So right off the bat, I already don't care about anything else this guy says in his video because of his elitist fucking attitude about gear. I don't care who he is, btw I have no idea who this dude is, he's a douche already. Throughout the rest of the video I can't help but roll my eyes or just plain laugh at this dude and his comments. And, I'm sorry again, but the tones in the audio he shows aren't all that great.

So regardless of who he is, or how long he's been doing it...I could care less. I wouldn't take anything this guy says with anything more than a grain of salt. If he quit posting here because people basically called him on his elitist BS then fuck him, he's a crybaby. Grow up and get over shit. Wow. High-five man.

I don't claim to be great, or even good, at engineering. But I will say that I am at a point where I can tell you what this guy has shown as examples isn't anything more than average. On his site, the Vore audio example is crap. The vocals sound good. Thats...just about it. The snare is fucking gay as all hell, the kick is crap, the guitars are average, the low-end is decent on the overall mix, at least it has that going for it. On the Vile clip, again guitars are just average...I can honestly say I can get a better tone than that. The kick is disgusting, the snare is a little better in that example, again the overall low-end is good, but for this one what the hell is with that painfully awful bass guitar sound? Are you kidding me? All that money on monitors and what, he can't hear that? The Ruffians clip, seems to be the only clip that is overall a good one. I like the kick and snare, they work for the style very well. The guitars sit nicely, the bass is great. It's funny though, the only one that actually sounds good is the one that isn't really metal.

From his site:
Imperial Mastering Website said:
In metal, the album IS the guitar tone.

ROFL. I'm pretty sure that the drummer, bassist and vocalist will have something to say about that. And seriously, how can a guitar tone be the album? That's just silly. Since I'm talking about his site in a way, I would just like to basically take another jab at the guy. I lost count on all of the typos on his site after I got to 30 something. Really professional man. That's how much of a pet peeve it is, I would dismiss him based on the spelling mistakes alone. But that's all stupid little shit.

All of this is just my opinion though. See that? It's a nice little disclaimer that lets you know that what I just said was nothing more than my opinion, since it's retarded to define absolutes when it comes to something subjective. Maybe I should make a video for Colin about that?


How can any of us take this guy seriously, regardless of everything else said, he uses a PC in the studio. I mean...c'mon...this guy has to be joking. Isn't he?
Whenever I see or read anybody covering something like this, I take for granted that it involves their personal opinions. Isn't that obvious? If nobody operated like that we would all be getting our shorts in a bunch every time somebody offered advice on subjective matters as if it was gospel truth. (something that happens all the time around here)
It's simple. The problem is just that he is making a pretty obvious claim that he gets crushing/amazing/whatever guitar tone, and then stating his opinions as fact. But in reality, from the examples I have heard, his guitar tones fall short of that claim. And you can't state opinions as fact...thats why they are called opinions.

I'm just saying, and several others have said it as well...if the guy would have simply approached it a little differently, like having a disclaimer at least, or instead of saying any one particular thing is crap just say that he prefers something else, then I wouldn't have a problem with the video. This thread would be totally different if he just didn't try to pass off what he says as absolute.

It's simple. The problem is just that he is making a pretty obvious claim that he gets crushing/amazing/whatever guitar tone, and then stating his opinions as fact. But in reality, from the examples I have heard, his guitar tones fall short of that claim. And you can't state opinions as fact...thats why they are called opinions.

I'm just saying, and several others have said it as well...if the guy would have simply approached it a little differently, like having a disclaimer at least, or instead of saying any one particular thing is crap just say that he prefers something else, then I wouldn't have a problem with the video. This thread would be totally different if he just didn't try to pass off what he says as absolute.


I'm not trying to argue with you, I understand what you're saying - I just think that the guy has just as much right as anyone else to operate within his own subjective opinions about things without offering a specific disclaimer. If I had a nickel for every time somebody around here stated that an EMG 81 was the only way to go I'd have a whole buch of fucking nickles, and if I was impressionable enough to believe it I'd have a whole pile of EMG pickups :p
I'm not trying to argue with you, I understand what you're saying - I just think that the guy has just as much right as anyone else to operate within his own subjective opinions about things without offering a specific disclaimer. If I had a nickel for every time somebody around here stated that an EMG 81 was the only way to go I'd have a whole buch of fucking nickles, and if I was impressionable enough to believe it I'd have a whole pile of EMG pickups :p

That opens up a whole other can of worms on people who think their opinion is the be all end all...It's not specific to this guy.

One of the cool things I've found on this forum, moreso than others is that I don't read as much "opinion as fact" stuff...But I guess when you have a small enough community, I think the idea of opinion over fact can be inferred because "everyone knows everyone", and you get a sense of their personality, but I don't sense it to much here. Any noob browsing the net for tips and comes across this video is not granted the notion that this could be subjective...Which many of us fit into that profile at some point.

Maybe I'm just humble because I KNOW my work isn't great, but to see others who don't do that on a larger scale just irks me. But my greatest "teachers" have been the ones who don't deal in absolutes and who realize that a lot of magic can happen when you realize there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Let me backtrack a little bit....
You guys are right, and you've got every right to criticize the video.

Mine was just a knee jerk reaction because I like the guy. I think it's obvious that he's sharing his opinions about things like the evo pickup, but if he's making a presentation for beginners he should definitely have been more clear about things like that.

That being said, I don't think the guy deserves to be trashed....especially on things as subjective as how good his work is.
I'll agree with you on the point that we all could've made some better judgments on the comments we have made.

As far as the trashing...when you put up a video of yourself stating your opinions of *extremely* subjective things as the 100% best solution or idea...that's like asking for it.

Very few elements of recording and mixing involve's like prison rules.

We can go on forever about experiences where some cheap ass $150 guitar somehow sounded so amazing through some amp. Case in point I've had some of the most unexpected things sound really good...and a DiMarzio Evolution wasn't involved in any of those occasions :lol:

If I had a nickel for every time somebody around here stated that an EMG 81 was the only way to go I'd have a whole buch of fucking nickles, and if I was impressionable enough to believe it I'd have a whole pile of EMG pickups :p

Go EMG or go home! :lol::lol::lol:

Actually, I'm kind of digging the 85 as of late. The EMG might not be the best solution for every situation, but it's a great place to start.
Go EMG or go home! :lol::lol::lol:

Actually, I'm kind of digging the 85 as of late. The EMG might not be the best solution for every situation, but it's a great place to start.

85 fan here as well! The 81 sounded pretty good in my mahogany bodied guitars but it sounded a bit shrill in my alder bodied ones... 85 remedied that pretty well and it sounds beefy as hell in the mahogany guitars too :rock:
Damn I feel kinda bad for this boy, this kid will be crying himself to sleep if he reads this thread. I think he needs to wash his hair though or tie that shit back!
Ahwell.. i think as Colin as a pretty knowledged guy, so i dunno, he prolly doesn't deserve all the crap he´s getting ;)

if you like all of his mixes or not, he knows what he's doing and made the effort of recording this tutorial for other ppl not to be treated like shit.
I appreciate his efforts and think the video isn't bad at all!
of course I don't share all of his opinions and I as well think it's a bit overdone how he treats opinions like facts....but anyway, if you read this colin: thanks for the effort!

actually I'm sure he doesn't really care what ppl on forums say....he's making a living from his job...unlike most of the ppl complaining about his work....I guess he couln't care less
Yeah I thought the point of this forum was for sharing ideas and creating a knowledge base we can all dip into. If we bash the living shit out videos and tutorials like this, no will dare pipe up and share this type of thing in the future.

Efforts like these have saved me a lot of time and money, so thanks again for sharing your shit!

The hair comment was intended to illustrate the stupidity in all the picky bitching, personally i think the beard should go.