College Campus Music


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I'm completely out of touch with the "in thing" amongst students these days. Like I said in the other thread, I was surprised as to just how massive Sigur Ros have become.

So which other bands tend to be popular amongst students these days? Back in my day, it was U2, REM, and The Smiths! [/oldboy]

Today I'm reading the music listings in the paper, and these shows are getting lots of press:

The Subways
And you will know us by the trail of the dead
Serena-Maneesh (from Norway!!)
Nada Surf
The Strokes

OK I admit, I've heard of The Strokes (but never heard them).

So for those of you at college (or hangout with college students), do you inevitably end up getting forced to listen to a lot of this stuff? And out of curiosity, which band is looking to become the next U2 or REM?

i know lots of college students, but they each pretty much listen to the same things they listened to before college. some of my friends are into classical+film soundtracks etc, some into emo/fag stuff:loco:, and a couple like metal.
My university has a huge immigrant student body, so ethnic music is pretty common as you're walking around - there always seems to be some culturally affiliated student organization blasting some obnoxiously loud music in public places, disrupting classes and stuff.
Arcade Fire
The Strokes
Belle and Sebastian
Kings of Leon
Dead Meadow (believe it or not)
The New Pornographers
The Fiery Furnaces
The Killers
Franz Ferdinand
Sigur Ros

and still some old stuff like
The Pixies
The Smiths
Sonic Youth
Jeff Buckley

But then again, I go to a pretty rad college.
Yeah, Mogwai were getting talked up a lot in the NY Times the other day. I think they have a new album coming out.

I also suspect a lot of NYU students must read the NY Times, because quite honestly, it's entire music section is aimed at the college ratio.
I don't know about The Arcade Fire being huge, but I know they're really good. Well, appreciation for Mogwai is only logical, their newest album will probably be a runner in high school emo dormitories.

When I was a teen (which is about a decade ago), hot sellers as far as rock music goes were bands like Silverchair, Red Hot Chili Peppers or Soundgarden, and the big thing coming was nu-metal à la Korn, Deftones, Downset...
i'm sitting here listening to Destroyer 666 - Cold Steel for an Iron Age, the guy accross the table is listening to 50 cent and the guy accross the room is listening to Celine Dion. (he's such a dork even without the music)