Colour of numbers


Apr 20, 2003
what are the colours of numbers in your mind? what could it mean?

for me..
1 white (maybe black or gray)
2 yellow (or green, banana)
3 pink or lila/red
4 blue
5 green
6 purple brownish, maroon
7 grey
8 brown, beige
9 black
10 white or grey, maybe purlpe
20 is peach
17 silver, metalgrey
12 like an egg
15 white and green stipes
---see? i cant mix, i can only add colors. funny
666 is black though :)

my bf says 5 is red and i cant imagine.. maybe that causes our problems.. :)
i think this feelings about numbers can come from pronunciation similarities or associations and can be different for males/females. Let's see!
yes, I know snyesthesies, since I studied french literature and we had some lection about Baudelaire who used this style a lot...

well sure I could imagine some colors to numbers but I never bothered about it before.
@Dora: Do you hear colors too?

For me 1 is white. 23 is black... 57 is green but it is just a feeling for me, no synasthesia...

666 is black for you? Strange somehow... it shouldn´t have a color even if have a kind of synasthesia... because it is somehow a black hole... Well, black is the absence of light... isn´t it?

Do you also know, that there are many anosmic people out there? People can´t smell distinct odours, probably caused by genetic defects, abnormalities or even by depression of some neurons in the regions people decoding olfactoric sensoric information.

Do you know that:

40% are anosmic to urin (androstenon)
36% to malt (isobutanal)
20% to sperm
7% to fish
7% to moschus

and 2% can´t even smell there own sweat.
0 = water colour (my sister says black)
1 = white
2 = red (my sister says yellow)
3 = yellow, greenish yellow, green
4 = dark blue (my sister says light blue)
5 = purple, lilac
6 = orange (my sister says dark green)
7 = blue (my sister says red)
8 = green (my sister says orange)
9 = golden
Frodnat said:
@Dora: Do you hear colors too?

666 is black for you? Strange somehow...
i have only feelings, too.. i dont actually see the colours. feel kindof warm-cold thing. generally |edit:| odd numbers are colder. (and prime numbers are evil! :)

as for 666, i cant abstract from the devil. :Smokedev:

somewhere I read that real synesthetes are very good in maths.. and with using and mixing colours some could solve math problems like adding or multiplying really big numbers by only feeling their colour and seeing the result.
Dhatura said:
0 = water colour (my sister says black)
1 = white
2 = red (my sister says yellow)
3 = yellow, greenish yellow, green
4 = dark blue (my sister says light blue)
5 = purple, lilac
6 = orange (my sister says dark green)
7 = blue (my sister says red)
8 = green (my sister says orange)
9 = golden

yeah, I forgot zero. 0 is transparent for me.
these are close to mine. My bf says weird ones like 2-grey, 5-red, 9-lemon! whoa.. How can 5 be red?!??