Colour of numbers

It is an abstract way of feeling numbers, I think. By using colors instead of numbers it becomes more vivid, so the motivation for this game, "playing with numbers" increases too. Synesthetes are talking in there own language...

Not only benefits are the outcome...
which one to believe? i'd choose the psychological one.. and genetics maybe. so, the theories are:

The Degeneracy Theory
Synesthesia is "an aberration of personality in which the individual relies on a more primitive, regressed stage of differentiation of sense[;][...] synesthesia [is] a pathological sign of repression, such as is found in schizophrenia."

The Compensation Theory
"ynesthesia is a physiological defense that allows an individual to shift to a superior auxillary sense when a defective avenue cannot adequeately handle the stimulus."

The Vibration Theory
"[T]he vibrational patterns of colors are simply mathematically related to the auditory sound waves. Thus, one tonal frequency would relate to its mathematical multiple frequency of the visual spectrum."

The Emotional-Tone Theory
"[E]motions are associated with tones according to the person's own like or dislike of that color. Thus, if a personal liked red, he/she would be apt to associate red with other things which he/she liked."

The Learning Theor[y/ies]
"These theories postulate that synesthesia is merely a learned response acquired early in life."

The Color-Symbolism Theory

The Neuronal Theory (The Cross-Circuiting Theory)

The Unity-of-Senses Theory
"The unity of the senses doctrine states that there exists common dimensions upon which all senses exist."
they say in one, that its possible that all children are birn with mixed senses and after months they separate (as an evolutional advantage).. i even heard that babies can see "energy" fields or vibration or temperature or what in early stages.. dunno. but it's interesting that e.g asians with differently used brains have this feng shui cult whic reminds me of these, cos in that they can tell about objects in house if they are male/female, cold/warm, strong or emotional or positive or not.. in a similar way. its also the same case when ppl sense "personality" of a shape, color, or taste of sound and that. The worse is when it appears real, there was a woman who actually heard voices when trigerred by seeing a colour. Than could have sucked!
its also interesting (to me..:) ) to think about why some ppl cant stand certain stimuli like sound of nails on chalkboard, why does it give one shivers? or silverware clanging together? or certain smells or tastes why bad if no reason, no linking..
But then you have to ask, what caused this defect.

... a defective avenue... (For information I studied Neurobiology...) I don´t want to go into detail, well I couldn´t, because I am not into this topic. The only way you can really show if this "avenue" or better pathway shows a defect, is by doing electrophysical recordings on the brain... on the living brain, from a living person. Not a adequate way to get information about this "illness", by doing a surgery. And even with the not invasive techniques, that are used today, you can only say if a different part of the brain is activated or not... with a bad resolution also...

Maybe this avenue isn´t defective, but was inhibited... and later on the depression was leading to a degeneration of this pathway... hmmm...

Maybe something like a psychosomatic feedback-effect.

I don´t know any of this theories in detail, but I would prefer the "Cross Circuiting Theory". Maybe a problem during development of the neuronal circuits... I don´t know... No one knows... Most probably it is a mixture of nearly all theories, because they get many things in common. They only have different answers to what the reasons are for these phenomena...

Well it maybe is my prejudice, but many of the psychologist don´t know that much about Neurobiology and they don´t have to, because they see the effects changes on the neuronal level have on the behaviour of their patients...

WELL, isn´t this the Anathema-Forum, it feels like being somewhere else at the moment... It is somehow a bit off-topic. But interesting... so.
A simple answer. TRAUMATA ... Things that are associated with really traumatizing events occured in their early childhood. They can´t remember the traumatizing event, but they show a great reaction of fear, when they are confrontated with the associations, that would in a normal way lead to a recall of the traumatized memory. But it can´t be recalled in that simple way.

Well and nails on the charkboard they sound just disgusting. Some sensory input can lead to a aversive reaction even when there is no trauma. Nails on the charkboard reminds me of the dentist. The dental drill SZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... Nice sound !!!:erk: and it also reminds me, that I have a appointment with my dentist in two weeks...


Ever watched "Conspiracy Theory"?

not so off-topic.. i think this all leads to metaphors and the way arts can express one thing by another..

as for researches, they made such brain photos or what, and found that ppl with this condition had some similarities to 0-4months old babies, who e.g. showed a working "seeing" and "hearing" part when experimenting only one of these impacts. Most of these ppl had no problems with it in life anyway.
It can be funny to be a newborn baby :) seeing the whole shit as one. All developments have a cost to pay i think...
Just use some drugs. I once had a secondary effect to a medicament. I was able to hear in a way I never couldn´t imagine. Never filtered out high frequencies that good. It was absolutely frightening I don´t want to see the world with sensory input of a baby...

Reduction and sharpening is good. Our nervous-system gets feedback from the environment, so it adapts to the real world outside... Better then just get something like a blurred nebulous blahhh... Ever listened to "Shroud Of Frost" from Silent Enigma... Back to Anathema

Your post just changed shape while I was looking at it.

It's a puzzle.
you're a bunch of frightening weirdos and fuck, why am i not part of the :

40% are anosmic to urin (androstenon)
36% to malt (isobutanal)
20% to sperm
7% to fish
7% to moschus

and 2% can´t even smell there own sweat.

I can smell all of these, and fish smell really makes me wanna :Puke:
we dont like screeching sounds cos its similar to the warning noise chimps make when theres danger present. Primal throwback like, either that or everyone in the history of the world was traumatised by the same event as a kid...the dentist conspiracy. Next!!
it wasnt about the last word, i just felt need to repeat cos u may have not understood.. I dont believe in evolution the way that it's all good that comes .. its reasonable... but even little mistakes in DNA can make great things. like him.. :)