Colour of numbers

Bambi said:
we dont like screeching sounds cos its similar to the warning noise chimps make when theres danger present. Primal throwback like, either that or everyone in the history of the world was traumatised by the same event as a kid...the dentist conspiracy. Next!!
You are right, some sounds are just disgusting because they are without any background. Or maybe you learned that they have to be disgusting. Ever thought about the fact that the majority of the human population is in some way afraid of spiders? Maybe they started to be afraid only because they adapted to a common behaviour... ;-) Screeching sounds not always sounds like the warning noise of chimps. I think many people can distinguish between noise that was generated by nails on the chartboard and real life animals that warning eachother by making some special noise. But it is right that sounds mainly consists of high frequencies are making most humans feeling uncomfortable. It is also considered for noise evaluation of computers. High frequencies are rated more disturbing even when they aren´t as loud as low frequencies are...

It also is about learning behaviours... You are right there is much room between disgusting and warning sounds and a reaction of fear for a traumatic event. The reaction of fear caused by a traumatization mostly is totally irrational and shows no causality in behaviour.

Ähmm, we aren´t talking about conspiracies only about apparent similarities.;)
then any idea why the creaking sound of this material drives me crazy?? (its used for padding fragile packages e.g., polystyrol)
Dora said:
then any idea why the creaking sound of this material drives me crazy?? (its used for padding fragile packages e.g., polystyrol)

haha funny, I've got a friend who's got the same problem with the sound of it. Drives him mad.
Dora said:
then any idea why the creaking sound of this material drives me crazy?? (its used for padding fragile packages e.g., polystyrol)

I don´t know, but you should know it...;)

Do you also get the feeling that your teeth are becoming blunt listen to that sound...

By the way, is that your polysterol? Interesting patterns of composition...
its rather a kindof feeling that this material dries out my skin and sucks away water -just like rough paper. its same effect as the chalkboard thing but that one i can stand. this one is unbearable and doesnt reminds me of anything. (theyre not mine)
Dora said:
its rather a kindof feeling that this material dries out my skin and sucks away water -just like rough paper. its same effect as the chalkboard thing but that one i can stand. this one is unbearable and doesnt reminds me of anything. (theyre not mine)

It is the purest white, someone can imagine... I can´t be that bad... Isn´t it build to not suck up water? It can swim in water without sinking to the ground for centuries...:erk: It not only is used for insulation, for padding but also for building swimming objects, for example plastic boats are often filled up with polysterol, it makes them really save.
yellow what???

the foam thing:
its like a completely dried out handkerchief or other paper, you know when it gets powder. same effect. only the sound is bad anyway, i have no problem with white objects.. (see john woo's black jack for that matter.. hehe)
Frodnat, why do you write posts with normal stuff in them, then edit them and delete it, but leave the posts that scare us intact?
Light said:
Frodnat, why do you write posts with normal stuff in them, then edit them and delete it, but leave the posts that scare us intact?
Strange days, strange posts... Everything changes in a very dynamical way. Why should my posts not be a part of that dynamical process?

You are scared by my posts. No way, not you... Nice picture?

Don´t think that I won´t edit or delete this post afterwards. All my posts have some scary elements... believe me ... that´s the only chance for all of us. :erk:

Such things scare me somehow... Not "only" this strange girl... Most scares me the aliasing effect on her shirt... Everytime I see such patterns I could vomit...:Puke: Not only all of you are scared by my posts... me too.
The only thing I can do against my aliasing-phobia is always getting the newest graphic cards, just bought a Radeon 9700 Pro with 6x Anti-Aliasing, but it doesn´t help that much... :hypno: