Come to SERBIA!!!!

Maybe go to Romania or Bulgaria? There are trains and shit and it's so close. Some dude from Macedonia contacted me and I navigated him to a site so he can buy tickets.
Haven't they performed in those places before?

No, not really. It's for the first time now. I think it's because things on the balkans are pretty bad. I don't understand why Serbia doesn't get to see Bodom, they are financially better than us. But still, we have dedicated city to heavy metal in Bulgaria. And the best gigs on the balkans go over here, so no surprise Bodom will be here.
No. They would be locked in studio until they have recorded Something Wild-, Hatebreeder- and Follow the Reaper part 2, switched back to Jacksons and started to use corpse paint.

Hmmm, that doesn't sound encouraging, anyway - I would be so fcking happy if I lived in Finland, but that's not my reality at this time =/
Regarding the concert in Serbia, COB will be Vienna and Budapest in April, if I'm not mistaken, and Serbia's pretty close to those countries, same like Croatia...^^

Yeah. It feels like being close to space itself.

Plus Europe's dumbest people and Skandinavia's manliest girls.

I like the melancholy of the Skandinavian nature, and the summers are great with the outdoor beer parties etc. Then there's the social secure and certain universal benefits. Other than that it's just people romanticizing because they think this is some death metal mekka. I'm not denying the relevance: people here are comparably violent, suicidal and generally impolite; a natural environment for such music to sprout.

But I'm not moving anywhere :)

+ Polar bears and iglus.

Finland is ass.

other than that it's just people romanticizing because they think this is some death metal mekka.

Well, this is basically a paradise of generic melodeath and (*shivers) "attitude-metal".

A country with a horrible, long, dark winter?

I have to say, that I really like the long and dark winter, summer is just too hot, sweaty and bullshit. The spring is coming again soon and I'll get depressed :(
What the hell, spring is like someone injected me with every drug out there. My facial expression always reflects the sun. It sucks to not see that phenomena for 8 months. Maybe a few times if you're lucky.
No... but applying your logic - why would anyone want to live in heaven bcs they were never there before...

Approaching my question with no logic is a good try but it doesnt work that way.
I dont know if your that well informed but you can actually visit finnland and get back again without any big troubles, which is somehow a bit of a different case compared to the popular image of heaven and the circumstances regarding going there.
I've been there twice (finnland) for two weeks and even if thats not enough time to experience that country well enough I prefer living where I live right now. If I could visit heaven for a certain amount of time, being offered a trip back to earth or wtf again your argument would make any sense. OR if finnland was described as the most beautiful and awesome place in some book but nobody was able to visit it. But yeah, that wont happen.
Heaven is not a place, it's a state of mind, like a really good drunk experience, you can go there in the abstract meaning of the word and come back.
The part with heaven was an example ( obviously a bad one since I see people philosophing about the meaning of the word...), it didn't have anytihing to do with Finland.
My point was simply wondering why would I need to have a desire to live only in places I have visited already, that's all.

An btw, I rlly like long, dark, snowy and icy winters.... I'm obssesed with Ice...
My point was simply wondering why would I need to have a desire to live only in places I have visited already, that's all.

Well, you obviously would want to live in Finland for example, because you think Finland is a paradise or something, but how could you know that, if you've never been there?
An btw, I rlly like long, dark, snowy and icy winters.... I'm obssesed with Ice...


It does have a tempting side indeed. I'd rather have 2/3 summer instead tho.
In the end everyone dislikes his own country because you know all disadvantages and downsides that a foreigner has no clue of.

I dislike Holland as well, but I wouldn't know a country that is perfect, so I'll just stick around.
I hate Florida yet most people in the US come here for the beaches and to retire.......which are 2 of the main reason I hate Florida...too many damn tourists and too fucking hot. My winter gets to a whopping 35 degrees F if we are lucky and over 100 degress F in summer.
I don't like warm places. I lived in the states for a while and it was too hot, even winters are too hot there for me. I'm too used to the cold and having winter half the year. We are lucky to see in the 20 c degrees in the summer, if I had to move to another country it would be a northern one that had similar weather. Anyways...serbia? A local punk band from here went on tour there so I don't think its impossible to tour there as I think someone implied? But yea I don't think cob will choose where to go based on people asking on a forum.
I don't like warm places. I lived in the states for a while and it was too hot, even winters are too hot there for me. I'm too used to the cold and having winter half the year. We are lucky to see in the 20 c degrees in the summer, if I had to move to another country it would be a northern one that had similar weather. Anyways...serbia? A local punk band from here went on tour there so I don't think its impossible to tour there as I think someone implied? But yea I don't think cob will choose where to go based on people asking on a forum.

Canada interests me a lot, where you've got nature like Skandinavia and people speak English. I'd certainly not move anywhere that had other than English or Finnish as native tongue, I don't want to communicate like a cave man. I don't really know a thing about Canada except they hunt beavers and make mustard and maple cyrup. Maybe someday I'll visit there and get drunk.